Chapter 33-Curious

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June 1st, 1984

I woke up; once again, to someone knocking on my door. "Heather?"

I groaned and limped to the door, "yeah?" I answered the door to see Duff.

"How you feeling?"

"Fine," I shrugged.

"You wanna go get coffee?" Duff asked.

"Why not," I mumbled, while putting a pair of shoes on.

I grabbed my room key while shutting the door, "what happened to your neck?" Duff smirked.


"Don't ask," I mumbled.

"Hey! Just curious."

"Ever heard the phrase, 'curiosity killed the cat?', Duff?"

"Okay, here's a better question for you, Heather, has your brother seen them yet?"

"Nope." I muttered, while we both entered the elevator.

"Can I guess who it was?" Duff smirked, before pressing the floor button.

"Nope." I repeated.

Duff frowned but smirked again, "well I know who it is."

"Go on then." I shook my head.

"A certain person who you're sharing a room with." Duff smirked.

"You're a smart man, Duff." I praised, with an amused smile.

"I know." he bragged.

"But you seriously can't fucking tell anyone," I said very seriously.

"Alright, don't shoot the messenger," Duff snickered, putting his hands up in defence.

"So you do really like him?"

"I don't know," I mumbled, but Duff looked at me dumbfounded.

"How can you not know?"

"I don't know, I've just never felt like this," I groaned.

"Little Heathers in love," Duff teased, with a massive grin.

"Shh." I hushed him while the elevator pinged and we both got out.

"Your secret is safe with me,"

"And no telling Nikki, I know what you're both up to,"

"I swear." He said, with a small nod.



Word count: 292

(Short chapter for this one because I didn't know what else to add 😞)

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