Chapter 2: Late

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August 22nd, 1980

It was Friday. Nearly a whole week had passed, things had been relatively quiet. I was still getting a ride to school with Will and Jeff which was pretty sweet, it honestly sucked walking to school.

The week had dragged by one school day was only supposed to be 6 hours but it felt like 12. I was tired every single day and honestly didn't have a whole lot of motivation for literally anything; that's why I was excited for the weekend.

"You up?" Will asked as he passed by my room to go downstairs. "Yeah I'm coming now," I groaned tiredly as I went downstairs.

I put my shoes on and grabbed my school bag. "You eating something?" Will said as he opened the front door to walk to Jeff's car. "I'm fine," I groaned hoping that Nichole would have something edible once I got to school.

Will walked out to the car as I tied my laces quickly rushing out and getting into Jeff's car in the back seat. "Late as usual Heather, y'know this is starting to become a habit," Jeff teased with an amused smile.

I raised my eyebrows as I put my seatbelt on "I'm very tired." I sighed with a shrug, which was true. I was very tired.

I noticed Jeff smile reflect into his wing mirror before he went off to continue his own conversation with Will.

They had been talking about music and bands a lot lately and how there's not a lot for them in Lafayette. I think they really want to have a real job in music... I mean it's not like they could get an actual really job or even get into college.

They don't pay attention in school. Sometimes they don't bother even showing up. I can't really blame them though to be honest.

But Will is always telling me "stay in school" or "Heather, stay in school and make something of yourself."

Seems a bit hypercritical if you ask me.

But in fairness to them, they were good and could probably get a job in that area easily. They sounded good together, and they didn't just sound like 'everyone else' the had their own sound. They were bearable to listen too is what I mean.

I sank down into Jeff's comfy leather seat, deep in thought.

I honestly have zero clue what I'm going to do... I mean I have dreams like I want to be some famous Hollywood actress or some famous LA model. But I had to be realistic with myself.

But if I don't dream then I don't have very much at all.

I was snapped from my thoughts as the car came to a stop. I took my seatbelt off and got out of the car; ready for another day in this fucking hell-hole.


Word count: 478

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