Chapter 43- Bullshit

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June 24th, 1984

I headed towards my shared apartment lugging my suitcase behind me, (I'd say the apartment is more Tracii's than my own.)

I'd forgotten how much I'd missed the colourful and lively streets of LA, some days I missed Lafayette but in most other ways I never wanted to ever go back.

With a deep sigh, I opened the apartment door which had some random burn mark on it which I didn't recall seeing before.

"Trace?" I called out. He must of been home since he left the door unlocked or he just forgot to lock it.

"Who's there?" I heard a voice call back lazily.

"It's Heather," I said, wondering into the small living room which was closet to the door.

I heard him quickly get up, hurrying into the living room. "I didn't know you were comin' back today,"

He embraced me warmly, "I missed my roommate,"

"I missed you too, Trace."

"You wanna get drinks?" Tracii smiled, letting me out of the hug.

"Sure," I smiled while walking into my bedroom, dragging my suitcase.

"Everything's just how you left it,"

I smiled while putting my suitcase down, "let me just change and we'll go,"

"Okay," he said, still stood in my room.

"You can go," I smiled awkwardly.

"You've been gone for months and I can't even watch?"

"No," I groaned with an amused smile.

"Alright! Don't take too long."

I watched as he left my room, closing the door behind him. I cleaned myself up and changed my clothes before leaving my bedroom again.

"You ready to go?" I asked while walking towards the door.


We both left the complex and Tracii draped his arm over my shoulder, I felt awkward because I still had to tell him all of the arrangements and everything about Steven.

"I found this new bar I think you'd like,"

"Yeah?" I smiled.

He nodded with a small smile, we finally reached the bar and sat down in a booth which had red stripes on it. Tracii went off and fetched us both drinks

"So, how was tour?"

"It was pretty good, eventful," I said while brushing my hair behind my ears.

"In what way?"

"Axl pushed me into a wall and called me a slut or something, can't really remember,"

He snickered, "did he apologise?"


"Anything else happen?" He asked, making conversation.

"That's sorta what I had to tell you about,"

Tracii must of felt the mood change because he straightened his back in the chair he was sat in, "can I just tell you something before you say whatever it is you need to say,"

I nodded with a small sigh.

"Look, Heather, I really like you and usually I like a lot of girls but your different and you're all I've been thinking about when you were away,"

My face softened, his words seemed so heartfelt and sincere, "now you can say what you needed to tell me,"

"Trace, I'm so sorry,"


"I don't have feelings towards you in that way,"

"Oh," I felt so bad; terrible in fact. He'd just spilled his heart out and I'd just crushed him, but I couldn't lie to him or give him fake hope either.


"Yeah?" He mumbled quietly.

"I also have a boyfriend,"

His eyebrows furrowed together, "what? Before I knew you or on tour?"

"On tour,"

"So basically, you lead me on making me think there's something there, I wait all that fucking time for you to come off tour for you got a boyfriend on tour?"

"I know, I'm sorry," I sighed.

"Why didn't you just tell me on a phone call or something?" He spat in frustration.

"I don't know, I didn't know you liked me so much,"

I was aware Tracii had some sort of feelings towards me but I didn't think they were that strong.

"Bullshit! All those fucking phone calls, Heather," he hissed.

"Who is he?"

I bit down on my bottom lip, "just say," he sighed, a bit calmer now.

"Steven Adler, Guns N' Roses drummer,"

Tracii nodded, he seemed like he'd cooled off a bit now, "is that why Axl called you a slut?" He said with amusement lacing his voice.

"It is actually," I smiled faintly, slightly confused at his change of attitude.

"I suppose you're moving in with him next,"

I pressed my lips together, "yeah, actually,"

"I get it, I'm happy for you," he said with a small smile. I could tell he was hurt but I really hoped he wouldn't be too heartbroken about it all.

"I am sorry, Trace, you deserve a real nice girl,"

"Plenty of fish in the sea, none quite like you but I'll find some chick." He chuckled.


Word count- 794

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