Chapter 37- Sound check

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June 3rd, 1984

I groggily woke up feeling arms wrapped around my naked stomach holding me into place, I managed to make out a blond mop of hair scattered on the pillow.

For a second every thing seemed fine; apart from the massive headache I had. But then I started to wonder where the hell we were, and what the time was. Axl would probably freak out.

But I was tired and too comfy to wake up. Or Steven, he seemed pretty cozy, so I decided to go back to bed for ten minutes.

"Shit," I grumbled waking up again, more light was coming through the curtains; God knows how much longer I went to sleep for.

"Morning to you too, sunshine." He snickered, he'd obviously just woken up as well.

"What time is it?"

"Don't know," he shrugged.

I sighed while getting up, feeling Steven's eyes watching me, "stop looking,"

"Nothing I haven't seen before," he smirked.

"It's 10:43," I groaned while searching the floor for my clothes.

"Shit! I had sound check at 8."

We both quickly got changed and left the motel, "we're so screwed,"

"Axl's gonna kill me." Steven groaned, we were walking pretty fast trying to get through the busy streets to get to the bus.

"Maybe you should go first so it's not suspicious?" I suggested.

"Yeah, I'll see you later." Steven smiled before quickly disappearing into the streets.



I walked back to the tour bus in a hurry, cleaning myself up before heading to the venue we were performing at that evening.

I walked in awkwardly and all the guys stared at me in annoyance, "where the fuck have you been?"

I looked up at Axl, "sorry! I was out last night and I don't know...I just lost track of time,"

"Where's my fucking sister?" He spat in frustration.

"Uh, I don't know." I said and Duff gave me a strange look.

"Alright, whatever, just fucking get up here." I quickly got up onto the stage and sat behind my drums.


Word count: 345

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