Chapter 27- Spies

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May 29th, 1984

I woke up early to shouting coming from outside the bus, I groaned and tried to cover my ears, everyone else on the bus must have been awake now.

"The fucks that?" I heard Axl grumble.

I rubbed my eyes glancing around the bus, finally realising who was missing; Steven Alder and Adriana Smith.

"I can't believe this," I heard Steven say from outside the bus, but that was all I could make out. I was still disoriented and tired so I still didn't really know or try to make out what was going on.

After another minute of arguing, I heard Steven say something and then walked off, Adriana entered the bus but nobody said anything to her since the boys had already fucking fallen back asleep.

And that's when I did as well.

The next morning I hopped down of the top bunk to see a very stressed Adriana sitting on her bed. "What's wrong?" I yawned.

"Steven found out," she whispered to me and I quickly understood.

"And I'm worried because I don't know where he is, or what he might do," I looked at her slightly confused at the last part but didn't say anything.

"He's bound to come back, right?"

"Did you tell Axl?"

She nodded, still in distress, "He stormed out about an hour ago to try and find Steven."

She said before getting up and entering the bathroom. I found myself to worry now about the bubbly blond haired drummer and his whereabouts, but he's going to turn back up, right?

After getting myself changed, I waited around for a while. I told Duff about everything and also asked him if he'd seen Axl and Steven but he hadn't.

About half an hour later Axl stormed into the bus in a huff, "You seen Steven? I asked quickly, standing in front of him to stop him from storming off.

"Yeah I fucking did, and now I wish I didn't even go to find that fucking junkie,"

I groaned, "So what happened? Where is he?"

He ignored me, "I'm kicking him out,"

"No you're not, calm down, tell me what happened?" I thought the best thing to do was calm him instead of shouting.

"Well Steven's upset because of something that I did, and-

I cut him off, "How can you blame him for being upset? You screwed his girlfriend and now you're kicking him out,"

Axl looked at me in surprise, "Alright, alright! But he needs to stop shooting himself up, it fucking scares me,"

He actually looked like he cared. "You can't just kick him out, we all need to help him or it's all going to get worse, where is he now?"

"Nikki's helping him,"

"Alright, give him five and just go speak to him about it, apologise, make up whatever, but don't go kicking him out yet, you'd be loosing a great drummer in the middle of a tour,"

He nodded, "Since when did you care so much?"

It was a good question.

I think a big reason I did really like Steven was that he cared about everyone else more than himself, like the other night when he came to comfort me.

"He's just a nice guy,"

"Alright...I'm going to go speak to him." Axl gave me a strange look before disappearing off the bus.

After a few minutes, I felt as though I had to go and check on him, he'd do it for me.

I walked off the bus entering the others boys tour bus, in hopes of finding the blond drummer. Which I quickly did.

"Is he okay?" I asked Nikki as I entered the bus.

"He's gonna be fine,"

I nodded before walking over to Steven. He was lying back on one of the couches, he looked pretty pale and his eyes were all red, "How are you feeling?"

"Good, I'm just glad Axl came and found me," he said, more weak and less enthusiastic as he usually would've responded.

"Well I'm glad you're feeling alright..."

"You're not mad are you? I was just upset and, I don't really have an excuse,"

"No, I'm not mad, I was worried about you," I said sympathetically while brushing his blond curls out of his eyes, which I could see him drifting off to sleep as I did so.

"I'll leave you to rest for a while and I'll check up on you later, okay?" I said while continuing to brush his hair out of his eyes.

He nodded and I could tell he needed the rest so I stood up and left their tour bus, saying bye to Nikki on the way.



"Hey, Duff, man, c'mere," I signalled with my head for him to come next to me. I glanced over at Steven making sure he was 100% asleep, which he was.

"Mhm?" Duff mumbled while taking a couple of steps towards me.

"What's going on with Rose's sister and him," I said while nodding towards Steven who was snoring softly.

"Nothing, I think,"

"Somethings going on," I said confidently.

"Like what?"

"She likes him,"

"You think?"

"Definitely, I can tell, trust me," I stated.

"We'll get to the bottom of it," Duff chuckled.

I nodded quickly, "I intend to,"

"I thought something was up that day when he went after her, after Axl pushed her,"

"If Axl says you're sharing with her say that you're with me," I said.

"Okay, dude." Duff nodded understanding the plan.


Word count- 919

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