Chapter 9: Bitch

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April 26th 1984

After our shifts were over, Nichole and I walked back to our motel room. As we walked all I could think about was Tiffany's words.

"So how was your night?" Nichole asked. "Good I guess, I got a hundred and fifty bucks," I smiled at her faintly.

"What? I only got fifty," She mumbled under her breath, it sounded slightly sinister in a way, maybe jealously?

"But we're obviously going to share it all so we can get our own place," I smiled reassuringly and she just simply nodded but I just shrugged it off.

I looked up at the skies of LA in admiration, I think I could get used to living in the city. I noticed how the city was still busy even though the time was 1:43 in the morning when I checked before we left.

"Heather?" Nichole mumbled. "Yeah?" I quickly glanced at her as we walked through the streets of LA, on the way to the motel.

"Some of the girls offered for me to go stay in their apartment with them," her words trailed off and I looked at her in disbelief; still walking side by side with Nichole

"So you're going?" I asked not really feeling too surprised.  "Well, I don't know yet." Nichole shrugged as we walked side by side.

"I'm guessing they didn't offer if I wanted to stay as well?" I sighed loudly already knowing the answer.

"Well no, but they only offered because they had one spare room." She stated and I scoffed.

"Don't be upset that they didn't offer the same to you,"She announced defensively, her voice going higher in pitch.

"I'm not upset, but it was meant to be you and I against the world," I muttered, suffocated in my own thoughts.

"Heather, I didn't get on a bus and drive 10 thousand odd miles to live in some tacky motel with a shit day job with a shit pay," She scoffed loudly giving me a frustrated look.

"We've only been here a couple of days, give it a chance," I sighed loudly as I walked a bit faster. I could feel tears prick in my eyes but fought them back.

I felt like everyone I'd ever loved, or anyone who's been there for me just got fed up of me and left.

"I also don't want to live with someone as fake as you." She spoke with a smug smirk on her face.

What the fuck did that mean?

"The fucks that mean?" I glared at her.

"Look let's get one thing straight, Heather. You're never going to be something big so, stop dreaming." She snarled before bumping my shoulder purposely and walking off in front of me.

"Fuck off then! Fucking whore." I shouted after her, flipping her off, I seemed to have caught the attention of bystanders around me.

I could hear her heels clicking as she stormed off in a fit of rage. She's shouted at me before, but never like that. I was honestly more frustrated than upset now, I guess I'll just have to do this one my fucking own.

Everything happens for a reason, I suppose...


Word count: 534

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