Chapter 42- What happens on tour stays on tour

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June 24th, 1984

There was now one more week of tour left, some of the boys were pretty bummed that it was almost over but I was just happy to finally go back home.

Axl hadn't said too much about Steven and I but whenever we were simply hanging out or having a normal conversation I could feel his eyes watching me.

There was also the occasional "get your hands off her" or something stupid like that but I just pay him no attention anymore.

I was now sitting backstage in a relatively big dressing room on a comfy black leather couch waiting for the boys to finish their set.

You could always tell when the Guns boys were headed back to the dressing rooms because they were so fucking noisy, like a bunch of wild animals.

And this night was no different, I could hear them all chanting and laughing amongst one another as they entered the changing room.

"Heather!" Duff said happily as all the boys piled into the dressing room making it not look so big anymore.

"Duff!" I said back with the same amount of enthusiasm.

"We're going to the bar later, you coming?"

"Sure." I smiled at Duff as he entered the shower room, leaving just Steven and I which was pretty shocking that Axl would be so careless and leave us on our own.

"I had something to ask you," Steven told me while tapping his drum sticks against the doorframe.

"Go for it," I snickered.

"You wanna move in with me after tour?" He said bluntly.

"Move in with you?"

"Since we're dating and everything,"

"I'd like too, but I'd feel bad leaving Tracii, especially if he still needs help with rent,"

"I'm sure he'd manage, last I checked LA Guns were top ten on some music chart,"

I nodded, "you have an apartment?"

"Yeah," he nodded.

I did really want to move in with Steven but I would feel even more bad for Tracii since I basically ghosted him for a century.

"So, you'll think about it?"

I smiled widely, "I suppose I will,"

"The night we get back from tour you can go tell Tracii and I'll tidy the apartment for you and everything,"

I let out a long breath with a smile, "how could I say no to that?"

"You can't,"

"I guess I'm moving in with you then, Adler."

"Perfect." He winked before heading into the shower room.


The last week of tour flew by, I could hardly believe how fast everything had actually gone. By the time our tour bus arrived back home at LA, the time was already 3 AM and we were all exhausted from travelling.

"Do you guys just want to head back to my place? I live closest," Slash yawned.

"I will," I said quickly.

Steven insisted on him going back to his place, probably to fulfill his promise that only I knew about. Izzy also decided on going home as well as Duff but of course, Axl, my stupid brother took Slash up on his offer.

"I have both the Rose siblings sleeping at my place and you don't," Slash bragged while poking his tongue out at Duff.

Duff rolled his eyes, "I'll probably all see you sometime this week,"

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