Chapter 32- Like a prayer

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May 31st, 1984


I woke up the next morning, my head was killing and I could barely remember what had happened last night, but I vividly remembered some mistakes.

I got changed, Steven had left and was nowhere to be seen. The time was 10:12 so breakfast was still open in the hotel, my eyes were still all red so I wore some sunglasses just to cover it as I walked down.

Duff rushed over to me. "Heather, are you okay? Axl said you were missing last night,"

"I'm fine," I mumbled tiredly.

"As long as you're okay,"

"Where'd you go?"

"I did something I'm not entirely proud of and I don't really want to talk about it," I yawned while picking up a croissant from the buffet.

Duff nodded. "You wanna do something later?"

"Like what?" I asked while taking a bite of my croissant.

"Anything." He shrugged.

"Sure." I said.

That day I was pretty sure Steven was ignoring me, every time I'd even glance in his direction he'd look away. Even if I smiled at him, usually he'd smile back but this time he'd quickly turn his head.

I even tried to make conversation but he shrugged it off and walked away. I couldn't remember all of last nights events but I do remember something about Axl firing him and Nikki saying something, but I couldn't fully remember.

But at the end of the day, he'd have to face me, I mean, we're sharing a room after all.

Duff and I just ended up just walking around the bustling streets gossiping to each other before we separated ways and I entered my room. Steven still wasn't there so I changed and lay down on my bed.

"I wanted to speak to you," Steven said sternly while entering our shared room.

"Okay...what about?" I asked in a confused tone, he didn't usually speak so seriously.

"Don't act all clueless, I nearly lost my fucking job over you, Heather." He hissed.

"I don't understand," I mumbled in more confusion, why would he loose his job over me?

He groaned, "Heather, your brother blamed me for you getting completely high and fired me, if Nikki didn't speak up and say what actually happened, God knows where I'd be right now."

"Oh," I said while looking down at my hands before standing up.

"I mean, why the hell would you except heroin of Nikki, heroin, Heather!" Steven's voice went a bit louder in frustration.

"You can't talk, you do this shit all the time," I fired back.

"Heather, for fucks sake, you saw what happened to me that one night," he spat.

"You only live once," I huffed.

"How stupid can you be?"

"Alright, I'm fucking sorry, is that what you want to hear?" I hissed.

I was probably being more petty than I should have been.

"Heather, you understand that you could've died?" He spat in frustration.

I shrugged. "Is that all you have to say?" He scoffed.

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