Chapter 18: New beginnings

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May 9th, 1984.


I walked through the apartment door with a small bag of groceries in my hand, I placed the bag on the small wooden table.

Tracii walked past me taking a bite of an apple, "Will was asking after you and said for you to call him back." He said with a mouthful.

Just as he was about to walk away I grabbed his wrist, "what do you mean?"

"What I just said?" Tracii shrugged in confusion taking another bite of his apple.

"No, I mean, can I have some form of context?" I sighed, rubbing my forehead with a scoff.

"Will? Axl? Whoever, your brother," he shrugged coolly. 

"Axl?" I recognised the name from Slash and Tracii saying before. I looked like him but what did that have to do with my brother.

"Will, changed his name,"

"Right," I rolled my eyes and rested my back against the kitchen counter.

"You gonna call him?" Tracii asked, still with a mouthful.

I scoffed, "no,"

"Why not?" He asked in confusion.

"He left me in Indiana, on my own, with abusive parents even though he promised to come back and call after me." I scoffed loudly.

Tracii nodded in understand-meant. "Just see what he has to say, you never know."

Tracii shrugged before walking off still scoffing his face.

I sat in the kitchen for a while wondering on what I should do, but after half an hour I just thought, what have I got to lose? 

With a sigh, I walked over to the phone, searching through Tracii's phone book looking for "Axl Rose".

I soon dialled his number in but hung on a few moments before putting the last number in. I placed the phone against my ear, wondering what shit apology he had.

If he even had one.


"It's Heather," I blurted out nervously.

"Tracii gave you my message?"

"He did," I sighed.

"So, uh..." he rambled not knowing what to say.

"So, uh..." I mocked him, rolling my eyes in annoyance.

I could practically feel him roll his eyes "do you wanna go out and talk, I guess,"

I sighed, "fine, whatever."

Tracii had told me where the place was Will was sending me off to meet him at. It was a coffee shop not far from here.

I was still frustrated at him though, he better have a good fucking apology.

After walking to the coffee shop Will had sent me to, I sat at a small table tapping my nails against the table in nervousness. Which was stupid, because I was never really that nervous.

As 15 minutes passed I wondered if that stupid fucker would show. But that's when I saw him.

He strolled in casually with a red bandana tied around his head, his hair was slightly shorter and he'd definitely bought a whole new wardrobe.

He glanced around before spotting me and sitting opposite me, "Hey," he said awkwardly, plopping down in the chair in front of me.

I rolled my eyes. "Cut the shit, why'd you abandon me in Indiana, was it that fucking hard to call? I mean there's a phone booth on every street."

"Alright, I'm sorry Heather, I meant to call but I've been busy with bands and stuff," his voice trailed off at the end of his sentence.

I sighed, "You might of meant to but you didn't,"

"I know, and I feel real guilty,"

"I am really sorry."

In all the years I'd known my brother, I've seen him apologise to me but this time he it felt more heartfelt.

"Okay, okay,"

"What's up with you changing your name?" I asked changing the subject. I was curious though; but I already had a good guess why.

"Take a guess," He scoffed. 

"Thought it might've been," I shrugged.

Will and I chatted and caught up on everything from my magazine and to him meeting back up with Jeff. He told me about Jeff changing his name to Izzy.

Why did everyone change their fucking name while I was gone?

Will told me about his band and about how they were gonna be big, he told me he'd introduce me to his band when I was free.

"So, you livin' with Tracii?"

"Yeah, you gotta problem?" I sighed, wondering what his deal was now.

"I don't trust that dude,"

"And I don't really trust you," I blurted out. I mean it was true in a way, but we'd just decided to move on.

Will quickly shut up but shrugged it off before moving onto the next topic. We talked for another two hours before deciding to go home, Will said he'd call me when we'd meet up again.

I let out a long breath I'd been holding as I walked back home. As I walked in Tracii walked over to me.

"How'd it go?"

"Fine I guess, Will said he'd call me we'd hang again,"

"You ain't gonna start hanging with him and his band then forget about me, are ya?" He laughed lightly at the end of his sentence, but I knew there was truth behind what he saying.

"Course not!" I smiled before flopping onto the sofa.

Tracii snickered and sat next to me.


Word count- 877

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