Chapter 10: Late; again

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April 26th 1984, 1:56 AM

As I walked to the motel feeling pissed off, I wondered if Nichole went to her new friend's apartment or back to the motel.

I hoped she wouldn't be there because I might honestly punch her if I see her.

But I just shrugged off her words, I can't be bothered for that shit right now. As I strutted through the streets of LA, on my way to the tacky motel that I call home I noticed people staring at me. Probably because I was literally strutting through the streets without a care.

I pulled my jacket closely around my torso as the cool wind hit me, I walked into the motel and walked up to my room wondering if you know who was in there.

As I walked in, I noticed that that bitch had left and taken her shit with her. Good riddance I say.

I huffed and lay on the hard mattress on my back, deep in thought...

I wondered where the hell Will was, I mean I was bound to bump into him. And I mean where the fuck did Jeff end up?

It would be awkward if I bumped into them, but even more awkward when I have to see Nichole again. Which I obviously would since we literally work the same job.

I took my jeans off and threw on some random shirt from my suitcase before laying back down. As I lay on the hard mattress in the dim motel room, I let tiredness overcome me and I soon fell asleep.


April 26th 1984, 9:21 AM

I woke up and remembered that I was basically all on my own, I reached over to my bedside table and picked up a box of cigs. I smoked one which reminded me of the times Will would tell me off for smoking them, even though he did the exact same.

I felt so calm and serene for a moment until I realised I had 9 minutes till I had to be at work.

"Fuck." I mumbled under my breath. I rolled out of bed feeling exhausted from everything that's been going on. I quickly threw on the same baggy blue denim jeans I had worn yesterday and a Thin Lizzy band shirt.

I hurried to to the bathroom, brushed my hair, washed my face and teased my hair into its usual mess before throwing some shoes on as fast as I could. I checked the time on the small alarm clock on the bedside table which read 9:37 AM.

I was already 7 minutes late.

With a groan I rushed out of the motel feeling eyes on me as I left, no doubt from the creep in reception Tracii told me about.

Wait Tracii, I totally forgot to call him.

I let out a long sigh as I rushed through the very busy streets of LA. As I rushed through the streets in a hurry, I could see someone walking straight into me but before I could slow down...

I let out a small wince as I fell back and felt my back hit the concrete with a thud.

"Shit, I'm so sorry!" A familiar voice stated frantically before quickly helping me up.

"It's all good," I groaned as I stood up. "Heather!" I quickly realised that I had just walked into Tracii.

Tracii started laughing at me and I rolled my eyes feeling embarrassed. "Stop," I mumbled feeling my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"Alright, alright," he smiled as his laughter died down. "I was hoping to bump into you today," He dragged his words out with a little smirk.

"Yeah?" I asked as I remembered I was like 15 minutes late to my second shift, I was not getting fired on my second fucking shift.

"Can you walk and talk?" I suggested with a little smile. Tracii nodded with a little wink before we both started walking to the record store.

"Did you speak to your friend about the alternative to the motel?" He said with a small smirk.

"Probably won't speak to her again," I shrugged and Tracii gave me a confused expression. "Don't ask," I sighed and he quickly nodded. "Yes, ma'am." He winked again.

I smiled at him shaking my head slightly. "When does your shift finish?"


"I'll pick you up after your shift? Show you my place?" He suggested with a small smile.

"Yeah, sure," I smiled brushing my hair from out of my face. But then I also remembered I had another shift at the strip club.

I mean I made pretty good money from it but I guess I was embarrassed and didn't really want anyone to know.

"You got a watch?" I asked wondering what the time was since I was already late for work.

"It's 9:42," Tracii stated. "You late for work?" He snickered shoving my shoulder.

"Yeah," I rolled my eyes. "Well, you better hurry up girlie!" Tracii teased as he put his hand on my lower back pushing me forward so I walked faster. I gave him a small smile and playfully rolled my eyes.

We soon made it outside the record shop, "see ya later." He waved obnoxiously before walking off making me smile before I took a deep breath and walked into the record store.

The guy who owned the record store was called James and he was about 63. "You're late," James stated.

"Yeah, I know sorry. I woke up late,"

"Don't let it happen again." James uttered before exiting the record store.

I shrugged before just starting to put away the new records faintly listening to some random Beatles record.

The store was relatively empty again, only a couple of customers stopping in now and then, most people just strolling past the store on their way to other places as they rushed through the busy streets of LA. It made me wonder where they were actually all off too.


Word count: 1002

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