Chapter 34-Breakfast

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June 2nd, 1984

"Heather, your brother's here," Steven woke me up. I groaned, rolling over and hiding my face into the pillows.

"How's my baby sister feeling today?" Axl asked loudly, getting far too close to my face.

"I was fine until you showed up," I grumbled keeping my face down into the pillows, my eyes still shut.

Axl shook his head in amusement, "how's your knee?"

"Fine, can you fucking leave?" I yawned into my pillows.

"You seem better, you're bullying me,"

"You're the one barging into my room, waking me up," I groaned, rolling over onto my side.

"Whatever, stop being a brat. Get changed; we're going to get breakfast."

"Breakfast my ass," Duff huffed while entering my room. "It's already twelve; no one serve's breakfast this late."

Duff got back up and left my room.

"I take it he's upset?" I asked while sitting up.

"Very, he wanted pancakes." Steven explained.

"Bummer. Poor guy," I shook my head in amusement while getting up and walking into the bathroom and changing.

I changed into a pair of jeans and a shirt and washed my face with cold water before heading back into my room.

"Come on, you little shit, we're going." Axl groaned.

I shook my head, quickly throwing my shoes on, I was limping as I walked down the hallway, my knee was still hurting and I had a massive bruise.

"Hurry up, hop along," Steven snickered while coming up behind me.

I glared at him, "I can't help it."

"Want me to carry you?"

"Carry me?"

"Jump on," Steven laughed.

I jumped on his back and Steven supported my thighs with his hands.

"Right, come on, let's go." Steven grinned while transporting me to the diner where we were having breakfast.

I jumped down off his back and we sat down with everyone else, Duff still had a scowl on his face.

"Took long enough." Izzy said.


After breakfast, we walk started to walk back to the hotel, we were going back on the bus. Back to the bunk beds, unfortunately.

"Heather?" Axl walked over to me as I awkwardly limped down the street; trying to hide it as best as I could.


"I got a girlfriend," he said casually.

"When?" I grimaced.

"Two days ago. What's that face for?"

"Nothing, so she's coming on the bus?" I sighed.


"Cool," I mumbled while trying to walk away from him but my knee wasn't let me go any faster than I could.

I could hear Axl laugh at me but I shook him off.

"How olds she?" I asked while shouting back to him.

"My age."

I nodded before walking up to my hotel room.

"Steven?" I called out while walking into our room.

"Yeah?" He quickly turned to face me.

"Can you help me pack? My knee hurts," I frowned.

"Of course." He chuckled.

Twenty minutes later, we walked down to the tour bus together, "you wanna go somewhere when we get to California?"

"Like where?" I asked, Steven offered to drag my case for me, I felt bad making him do everything but I let him since my knee hurt.

"The boardwalk, maybe," he suggested.

"Santa Cruz boardwalk?"

"That's the one,"

"I ain't never been,"

"You've never been?" He chuckled.


"Well then, I'll take you there." He smiled before giving our cases to the roadie while I hopped onto the familiar bus.

"Oh, Heather, this is my girlfriend, Kathryn."

I glanced over at the whore Axl was bringing on the bus now. I shouldn't judge her too quickly though, but she was definitely some groupie.

She looked at me with a judgmental stare, "hello," I smiled politely.

"Hey," she stated, looking me up and down.

"What are you looking at?" I blurted, my words coming out more rude than I expected. But I'd only known her thirty seconds and she was already pissing me at.

"Heather." Axl whispered sternly, sending me a glare.

"Just wondering," I gave her the same look back, probably being more petty than needed.

"I was only looking at you, you're really...pretty," she faked a smile, probably to seem like she's all innocent in front of her new boyfriend.

"Heather, apologise." Axl hissed.

I scoffed while rolling my eyes, "sorry, Charlotte. Wait no, your name was Kathryn, right? It's hard to keep track if you get me," I smiled innocently.

Now I was definitely being a bit too petty.

"What does that mean?" She said defensively.

"Yeah what does that mean?" Axl's eyes burned through my skin.

"Oh, nothing." I smiled innocently.

"I'll speak to you later."


The bus was leaving in ten minutes so I decided to go outside to have a cig before we left.

"Heather, why are you trying to ruin my relationship? You're making a big deal over nothing; as per usual," Axl said while walking up to me.

"She's being a bitch," I huffed before purposely blowing smoke into his face.

"What did I tell you about smoking," he huffed, swiping the smoke out of his face.

"She was being nice to you, Heather."

"You didn't see what I saw," I stubbed my cigarette out with the bottom of my shoe.

"What did you see, Heather?" He sighed while rubbing his forehead.

"She was giving me dirty looks, and she was just being all fake and-

Axl cut me off, "you're making it up, she's a nice girl I promise. You'll both get along fine once you get to know each other."

"Whatever you say." I huffed before walking back onto the bus.


Word count- 947

(I made up some random girl in this so just go with it)

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