Chapter 25- Backstage Battlefields

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May 23rd 1984

It was the first show of the whole tour, Adriana and I were watching on the sidelines before deciding on going back to the dressing room to wait for the boys since the show was basically over now.

It was probably one of the best fucking shows I've ever seen. And I'm not just saying that because of my brother, they were electric, they all put their all into the performance

Mötley also did a really good job of opening for them, it set the whole mood for the next hour.

The crowd also seemed to love the show, there was a whole lot more people out there than I had anticipated. I just think it's so crazy how everything changes so fast. I mean, one day you're a nobody in a small town then you move to LA and actually become someone.

I just find it crazy.

"Didn't they do great," Adriana smiled widely as we walked through the tight hallway.

The hallway to the dressing room was pretty tight surprising for how big the stage was, which was a drastic difference.

The dressing room also wasn't overly big, it had a separate room for showers and one medium sized room with a couple of tacky couches.

"Yeah, the energy was great," I smiled to Adriana.

The sound started to fade out as we both entered the small dressing room. Adriana and I sat on the couches in silence for a moment before noise flooded the small hallway.

I could hear drum sticks being bashed against the walls and all the boys celebrating on how the performance went.

"Does my hair look okay?" Adriana looked at me quickly and I nodded with a small smile.

"Thanks," she smiled.

We both stood up waiting for them to enter which they did, Adriana quickly embraced Steven, "You did great!"

"Thanks, babe."  Steven smiled at her.

"Should we go out and get drinks?" Duff suggested and all the boys shouted back at him in agreement.

Most of the boys went into the shower room to clean up before we went out leaving me with Will, Jeff, Duff Adriana and Steven; who were basically eye fucking each other which made me slightly uncomfortable but it was more to it, I just didn't know what.

Will, Jeff and Duff. I decided on walking up to my brother to congratulate him on the show.

I honestly hope all the shows are going to be as good as that, or better.

"Congratulations, Will," I smiled at him about a foot apart from him.

"How many fucking times stop calling me that, alright? That's not my fucking name," He spat in pure anger.

It felt like he just stabbed me through the heart and twisted the knife, "Sorry- it's just I'm used to calling you that so-

"Well get fucking used to it, alright?" at this point everyone who was still left in the dressing room was staring at us.

"Alright, man, calm down she didn't mean to." Steven said while taking a step away from Adriana making her frown.

"Well she needs to learn,"

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