Chapter 31-Lost

43 1 0

May 30th, 1984



We just finished our performance and it went great. I was trying to find Heather to ask her about what she thought, but I couldn't find her anywhere.

"You seen my sister?" I asked Duff.

"No, I haven't, we were hanging out earlier then she went to Nikki's I think." Duff shrugged.

"Alright, she's gotta be here," I huffed.

"Slash, you seen Heather?"

"Nope, she's gone I guess," he replied, still holding his guitar from earlier.

"What do you mean, 'she's gone?' Where did she go?"

"I'm not in charge of your sister, you heard Duff, she was with Nikki. Or she coulda been with Steven." He huffed.

I groaned in frustration, "Steven?"

I walked up to Steven, "Where's my fucking sister?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen her since this morning. Is she missing?" He asked with a hint of concern.

"The fuck do you care? Yeah, she's missing," It pissed me off that he was so concerned.

"Look around for her, I'm going to ask Nikki," I sighed, getting more concerned now as I walked over to Nikki.

"What have you done to my sister?"

"Nothing?" He asked while quickly putting his cigarette out.

"Did something happen to her?" He asked in a suspicious manner.

"Not that I'm aware of, do you know something I don't, Sixx?"

"No," He said.

"Well have you seen her?"

"Yeah, I came in the taxi with her and she was out there,"

"You left her on her own?"

"Not for long." Nikki reassured.

"Fucking hell," I huffed.

"Well, look around for her," I wondered around looking for Izzy.

"Iz, you seen Heather?" I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach now.

"Maybe she's late?" Izzy joked.

"No, she came with Nikki," I stressed.

Izzy must of picked up on my tone because he became mor concerned.

"How do we always go and fucking lose her?"

"What's going on?" Mick asked while walking past us.

"Heathers missing." Izzy said. Mick whistled to Vince and he came over.

"You seen Heather?" Mick asked him.

"She probably went back to the hotel." Vince said with a shrug.

"Remember when she used to let me know," I huffed loudly in frustration.

"I'd ask Tommy, them two are close." Vince shrugged again before walking off.

I walked off to find Tommy; Izzy following closely behind me.

"Tommy, you seen Heather?"

"Not since this morning, why?"

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