Chapter 5: LA

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April 23d 1984

"So do you think we should just go to LA? See what it's like?" I shrugged as we counted up our money on Nichole's bedroom floor.

I rested my head on my hand as I counted up the money that lay in front of us on Nichole carpet.

I had just turned 19 and so had Nichole. I'm sure we'd manage in LA! Right?

"I mean as much as I want to go, what are we going to do once we get there?" She asked skeptically.

"I don't know," I sighed loudly and put my head in my hands. "We could audition for something or like go to some photoshoot." I shrugged.

"What if all this doesn't work out?" She questioned. "We'll come back here I suppose."

I obviously didn't want to come back, I just wanted a complete fresh start, but if it really did all go wrong, I suppose we'd just have to come back.

After counting up the money we had 100 dollars which should be enough to find some tacky motel and pay for it for like a month, food and transport to go get there. We'd have to find a job basically as soon as we got there.

"Let's just go, what's the worst that's going to happen?" I murmured. "Alright" she finally gave in and soon as we knew it we were packing out bags and on a bus to LA.

I was honestly quite shocked she'd agreed so quickly, I thought she might of thought about it for a bit but she didn't. She just agreed, no looking back now.

Before leaving I quickly threw on my tan fur lined  jacket and put on some black boots which matched perfectly with the little black dress I had on. I threw on a black headband and some sunglasses as we opened her front door.

Nichole and I walked into town to the bus station mostly in disbelief that what we'd been talking about doing for so long, we were actually doing it.

We both walked towards the big Greyhound bus which stood proudly in front of us. This bus was hopefully the one to take us to dreams, hopefully not to take us back to Lafayette.

I took me a few seconds but I quickly remembered the bus as the one Will had gotten onto 2 years back, but I'd long forgotten about him.

He still hadn't even bothered to even fucking call. But I wasn't a naive child anymore, I could make my own decisions without being judged or held back. I could do whatever the fuck I wanted.

I could do things without getting into trouble with my parents without teachers shouting at me all the time, I felt free. Like I'd felt only a few summers ago.

I shook away all my thoughts hearing the sound of the wheels on the small suitcase Nichole and I packed. Nichole dragged it along behind her, I wish we could've brought more but it would do.

We wished we could take all our things but obviously we couldn't; as much as we wanted too of course. I carried my backpack holding onto the strap of it in nervousness as we both stepped onto the bus.

I took a deep breath before paying for my ticket which, fingers crossed would help me start again and actually make something of myself.

As for Nichole, I didn't really know what she wanted to be honest.

We had both stayed relatively quiet on the bus to LA still slightly in shock. We still couldn't believe we were actually going, I was having some second thoughts but there wasn't a lot I could say now. But I knew this was the future and that I had to this.

I took a seat next to the bus window, Nichole sitting next to next to me, probably having the same thoughts as I was.

I looked out of the bus window next to me as we quietly glided through the long roads and little towns, everything felt so surreal; but there was definitely no looking back now.


Word count: 692

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