Chapter 22: Release Party

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May 17th, 1984

A few days later I had done both photoshoots and Will called and invited me to the release party of his bands first album that evening.

I decided to go, might be fun.

"You wanna do something tonight?" Tracii asked as he plopped down next to me on the sofa.

I sighed giving him a small smile, "I would-

He cut me off, "You're going out again with your brother,"

"He invited me to his release party," I sighed, feeling guilty.

He nodded and was about to walk away, "I'm sorry, we can do something tomorrow?"

Tracii smiled turning back around, "Sure,"

I watched Tracii walk back into the kitchen, I walked to go get ready for the party. I decided on wearing a black halter dress.

"Bye Trace." I said while leaving the house and walking to the venue.

I entered the venue feeling slightly awkward since there was a bunch of strangers everywhere and I stuck out as I wondered around on my own.

"Heather!" I turned around to who was calling me. I noticed the one and only, Adriana calling me over enthusiastically.

She waved her hand over at me telling me to sit, I rushed over to her and sat opposite her, "How are you?"

"Good, are the boys here yet?" I asked with a smile as my eyes scanned around the room.

"I came with Steven but I don't know where he went, I think Axl and Izzy went girl hunting and Duffs with Steven, I think,"

I nodded, and the bubbly blonde smiled happily. Adriana was a very happy person which, yeah, isn't a bad thing, but sometimes it's hard to tell if she actually cares, like I can't tell if she's actually happy for me or if she's being sarcastic. If that makes sense.

"Hey! Heather," a very happy Slash stumbled over to our table, he looked like he'd been drinking for at least a couple of hours.

"Someone's happy," I smiled faintly.

"You gonna sit?" Adriana giggled obnoxiously.

A drunken Slash sat down in the booth next to Adriana, she quickly wrapped her arm around him and my brows knitted together.

Wasn't she dating Steven?


A few hours later the boys went up to perform one of their songs of their new album called "Welcome to the Jungle".

As I listened, they were amazing and definitely going places, Will danced like some sort of maniac which made me smile but a certain blond haired drummer kept catching my eye. I didn't know why he was, maybe it was his smile or the way he played drums, but I quickly looked away knowing Adriana was next to me.

But Adriana had no problem talking to other boys, I mean, yeah she was pretty, don't get me wrong, but the way she talked and flirted with everyone else made me feel a hint of sympathy for Steven.

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