Chapter 15: Checking out?

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April 29th, 1984

I set my alarm to an early time since I didn't have to go to the record store anymore, I was also happy it was Friday since I was moving in with Tracii.

I did wonder what his friend was like that I was meeting though.

With a yawn, I stood up and started to pack all my shit into a small suitcase. I quickly changed and got ready before dragging the suitcase behind me and down the stairs of the motel.

"Checking out?" The man at reception stated nonchalantly.

I nodded and handed him the keys to my room. "So, Heather, will I be seeing you again sometime soon?" He asked creepily.

I thought about it, "definitely, yes."

I started to leave feeling his eyes watch me. As I walked to Tracii's apartment, I tried to remember all the turns to take.

I'm still getting used to used to the city.

I lugged my suitcase up the ten million staircases before knocking on Tracii's door with a large sigh.

I hoped he was actually in, or awake.

I knocked again when I didn't hear an answer, waiting a few minutes.

I groaned and knocked again.

"Alright, alright!" He mumbled quietly as he walked towards the door. As he opened the door I quickly realised he was only wearing boxers.

"Heather?" He rubbed his eyes, his voice coming out raspy.

"What time do you call this?" He spoke looking more awake now.

"Last time I checked 9:36," I shrugged trying not to look at him.

"Exactly, too fucking early," He grumbled as he opened his door to let me in. I chucked quietly and walked in dragging my suitcase.

"I thought you were one of my friends that's why I didn't answer,"

"Or change," I snickered.

He looked down at himself. "What? You like what you see?"

"Don't flatter yourself, Guns," I rolled my eyes playfully. He put his hand over his heart pretending to look hurt.

"Way to break my heart, beautiful,"

I shook my head with a small laugh covering the small hint of pink on my face. "I thought you had work at this time," He asked with a confused expression.

"Fired." I raised my eyebrows.

"How you payin' rent?"

I looked down awkwardly. "Okay, don't take the piss,"

"I won't?" He asked confused.

"I'm a stripper, basically," I stated plainly, hoping he wouldn't judge.

"Respect," He shrugged and nodded his head.

"Thanks I guess?"

"Course," he nodded. "Anyway, I'm going back to bed."

I could hear Tracii flop back down onto his bed so I just decided to go to the room Tracii had said was mine.

I unpacked my clothes; realising I'd definitely have to buy some more clothes soon.

After unpacking my stuff I sat down on Tracii's sofa and he came out of his room but this time fully changed.

"So you still coming to meet my friend tonight?" Tracii asked flopping down next to me dramatically.

"The boss let me have the day off so yeah, I suppose," I smiled faintly at him.

"You'll like him, he's cool," Tracii said vaguely.

"Do I get to know his name?" I snickered.

"Nope," he popped the 'p' in boredom.

"Alright then," I shrugged with a smile. "Oh uh, can I quickly use your phone?"

Tracii pointed to where the kitchen was so I walked in there. I decided to call Michael from the modeling company.

"Hello?" The woman from the other day spoke. "Hey, it's Heather. Is Michael there?" I asked twirling the cord around my finger.

"Putting you through now." She said politely. I waited before hearing Michael's voice.

"Heather, I have good news for you,"

"Go on," I stated in anticipation.

"Cosmopolitan wants you on the front of one of their upcoming magazines," Michael announced.

"That's great! Did they say when?" I asked, feeling slightly shocked.

"Can you do next Wednesday?"

"I think so, yeah," I beamed.

"I'll call you to tell you the place when the times closer," Michael explained. "Yeah, that's totally fine," I smiled from ear to ear.

"Alright, well I'll call you again." Michael said before putting the phone back down on the hook.

Well I didn't expect that shit.


Word count: 709

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