Chapter 4: See you never

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December 19th 1982

"Will, please, you can't leave me here," I begged with tears in my eyes as I watched him check through his bag one last time stood by the front gate.

"I'll come back for you," Will said still looking through his bag.

"Please can I come with you," I pleaded as a stray tear ran down my face. "You're only 17 Heather," he sighed.

"Please," I said a bit more quietly as my voice cracked. "Sorry Heath," he sighed putting his bag on his back.

He looked at me frustratedly. "There's nothing for me in Illinois," Will declared rubbing his head with his hand.

"When will you be back?" I sniffled as I wiped my eyes. "Hopefully never," Will groaned.

"You promise to come back?" I asked softly as another tear ran down my cheek as I furiously wiped it away causing more tears to flow from my eyes.

Will sighed before looking at me more sympathetically. "Promise," Will wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Look after yourself," he said before moving his arm of my shoulder.

"Stay at your friends tonight," Will said as he moved his auburn hair out of his eyes. "I'll call you as soon as I can." Will states before turning around and starting to walk to the bus station.

He waved to me with his smile that he always wears making me cheer up for a few seconds before everything started to set in again. I watched as he slowly got smaller and smaller in my vision which was blurring slightly as tears covered my eyes. I silently cried as he got further and further away.

I couldn't face going home yet so I walked to Nichole's house. By the time I'd gotten to Nichole's house I practically had half my mascara down my face.

Nichole had quickly taken me up to her room comforting me as my sniffles flooded her room. She let me stay that night and managed to cheer me up slightly.

A few weeks later Jeff left for LA as well. It made me wonder if Jeff would bump into Will, I mean it was bound to happen.


I waited for days, weeks and months for a single call but never got anything. One day I just hoped he'd show up but he never did. I mean I wished even Jeff would call but he never did either.

In some ways it was selfish. I wouldn't even be as pissed off if they managed to call me or even send a letter.

The amount of shit that I got from my parents for months on end, 'I should have stopped Will from leaving.' But there was no way I could have stopped him from leaving he was very certain they were leaving.

The amount of bruises I got from him leaving just made me hate him more. In some ways I didn't want to hate him but at the same time I wanted to forget him.

So that's what I decided to do. I just tried my hardest to forget him.

But it was hard too. I missed him a whole lot, he'd probably forgotten all about me. He probably didn't even think about me.

I did wonder what he was up too on occasion, I wondered if he'd joined a band. Or made one.

Just made me wonder.

It also made me think of what LA was actually like, I don't really know anywhere else apart from Lafayette and around Illinois, I'd never really been on some sort of vacation.

I've always wanted to go to LA though just to see what's it's all about.

Nichole and I had been missing a lot of school which made me think of what Will would say, knowing him he'd be super hypocritical and tell me to 'stay in school' even though he skipped most days. As for my dreams and jobs now I really had no clue what I was going to do.

We both had the idea that if all fails we would just move to LA and see what goes down there. But if everything really does fail maybe we'd just be strippers but only time will tell.


Word count: 705

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