Chapter 6: Lost in LA

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April 24th 1984

I woke up with my head resting against the bus window next to me. It had gotten darker outside I must of been asleep for hours.

I looked into my pocket mirror adjusting my slight dishevelled hair from where I'd been resting against the window.

I looked at Nichole who was also asleep next to me. "Nichole?" I asked quietly as I gently shook her shoulder.

She stirred before fluttering her eyes open. "We're nearly there," I whispered to her. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Really?" She murmured tiredly.

I nodded before yawning, I checked the clock at the front of the bus it read 5:02 AM. Explained why it was so dark.

I had butterflies floating around gracefully in my stomach making me feel more and more nervous, maybe I should have thought about it for longer?

No, I can't think like that.

As my thoughts consumed me the bus driver pulled over at the next station causing the big Greyhound bus to come to a complete halt.

"California, LA." the bus driver spoke tiredly as he pressed the red button that opened the bus doors.

Nichole and I looked at each other knowing what we had to do. We picked up our backpacks and the small suitcase we had packed before nervously walking to the front of the bus trying to be as confident as we could be.

But how could we be confident? We were in a new city we'd never been to before, we don't have jobs, a home, much money or even know where to go. What the hell were we going to do?

We both stepped up the bus, a strange sense of fear gripping both of us. We thanked the bus driver before leaning against a wall right by the bus station we'd just been dropped off at.

I felt sick.

"So what's next?" Nichole spoke as she leaned against the small suitcase. "I have no clue," I let out a long breath in disbelief.

"Well we need to find a place to stay," Nichole said brushing her long brown hair behind her ear. "Then what?" I sighed rubbing my head.

The streets of LA were relatively empty, but when I had checked the time on the bus it wasn't even 6 am yet. "Well now's a good time to start figuring stuff out since it's early." I said, trying to think of some sort of plan.

We had both decided the best plan was to just try and find somewhere to stay so we could put our bags down and then we'd part ways and try to find some sort of job.

As Nichole and I aimlessly wondered the streets trying to find a motel or something feeling completely helpless we noticed how it got brighter and the bustling streets of LA got busier, we must of been wondering for about an hour until we finally stumbled upon a medium sized motel.

It looked slightly run down and tacky, it was definitely a place that and high-schoolers kids went to so they could hook up for the night and fuck off the next day, but it would do. At this point we weren't too fussy, anything would do.

We walked into the hotel noticing the middle aged man in reception sat in his chair behind his desk distracted by the paper he was reading. "Hello?" Nichole said with a small smile trying to be polite.

I pulled my black sunglasses up to my head and the man looked up at us both. "Oh sorry, how could I help?" The man said standing up eyeing both of us but we both shrugged it off.

"Do you think we could get a room?" I smiled showing my perfect smile. "Yeah sure!" The man smiled back creeping me out slightly but again, I shrugged it off.

"How long are you staying?" He said writing down on a small piece of paper. "Oh, we're not sure." Nichole smiled politely.

"Runaways?" He said with his eyebrows raised and Nichole and I exchanged a little glance. "How about you both pay to stay for three days and see how you get on?" He said handing us a little key for our door.

"Yeah, okay." Nichole nodded pulling out her purse so she could pay. After paying I picked up the small key. "It's just up the stairs on the second floor and then on your left. Number 213," he pointed to the stairs behind us.

Nichole and I both turned around to walk up to our room when we heard him speak again. "Oh sorry, could I get a name for the room?"

Nichole glanced at me and I smiled. "Heather," I smiled about to finishing walking to our new room for a few days. "Do you got a last name lady?" He asked raising a brow.

"Just Heather." I winked before walking upstairs following after Nichole as we went to room 213 like he'd instructed.

"So you're not going by your last name anymore, Heather Effie Bailey?" I slapped Nichole's shoulder teasingly. "Fresh start," I smiled with a little shrug as we walked into our little room.

"Fresh start." Nichole mumbled in agreement. Our room had a musty smell and didn't look entirely clean, but it would do. After all it was better than sleeping on the streets.

But now we had a bigger thing to worry about. Jobs. We needed to get jobs soon otherwise we'd be straight on the next bus home. That is if we could afford it.

But I didn't just come here to wait tables, or work as some cleaner. I wanted to actually make something of myself. Nichole might be happy enough to settle for something like that, but I sure didn't. I wanted to actually be someone.

But only time will tell.


Word count: 982

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