Chapter 20: Band

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May 14th, 1984


I got ready to go with Will to the whiskey, I'd walked past it many times but never actually been in. It always had a crowd around it and it just gave you a good feeling when you saw it, you could feel the energy of the place by just walking past.

I told Tracii I'd see him later as I walked out and headed towards the whiskey. The whiskey was really close to the strip club I worked at, but the whiskey was hard to miss with all the flashing tacky lights.

I walked into the bar my scanning around for Will, I noticed him and quickly sat in front of him.

"Hey," I smiled.

Will just nodded his head at me, "So, you gonna speak to me? Or what?" I groaned.

"Just thinking," Will shrugged.

I was about to open my mouth to say something when a boy with a familiar set of curls landed onto our table in our booth, his limbs splayed out as he tried to regain his balance.

"Slash?" Will groaned.

"Long time no see, Heather," Slash winked coolly trying to play off what had just happened.

"Do you want to sit in the actual booth?" I snickered, shuffling up for him to sit next to me.

Slash nodded his head in appreciation while sliding into the booth to sit next to me.

"What the hell happened to you, dude?" Will asked with a pissed off tone.

"What do you mean? Am I bleeding?" He asked wiping his nose in confusion.

Will groaned, "No, but you flew out of nowhere and landed on our table,"

Slash shrugged, "Bartender said I wasn't allowed anymore booze,"

"You're here on your own?" I asked.

"Nope," Slash said before casually draping his arm over my shoulders.

Will snapped his fingers in annoyance in Slash's face, he put his hands up in defense before putting them at his sides.

I rolled my eyes but looked back up when I heard Slash whistle to someone. I noticed a familiar boy with dark hair, "Izzy," Slash waved his hand over for him to sit.

"Heather?" Jeff said as he sat next to Will.

"How've you been?"

"Good," I shrugged plainly.

"Hey, Heather?" Slash said as he lighted a cigarette.

"Mhm?" I mumbled, turning my head to face Slash.

"You wanna come to the studio tomorrow?"

Before I could respond, Will did for me, "She's not going,"

I let out a long sigh, it was just like being back in Lafayette.

"Why not?" Slash asked.

Will groaned loudly, running a hand through his hair.

"She's going to distract us," Will shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

"She ain't gonna distract us, are you, babe?"

I felt a small blush creep up onto my cheeks, "Nope,"

I did wonder why he had asked me but I assumed he was being nice, I didn't really have anything to do tomorrow anyway and I knew it would piss my brother off if I showed up.

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