Chapter 41- Sorry!

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June 14th, 1984

A few days has passed since the whole disagreement. My own brother won't speak to me or his own drummer, Izzy told me that he'd spoke to Axl and told him to apologise.

But I guess we'll see how that goes.

But I took Slash's advice, Axl can't control me, so Steven and I still go out even if it pisses Axl off.

Also, Steven didn't kill Nikki but they had this massive blow up argument, but apparently they've made up. Nikki apologised to me and said that he only wanted to tell Axl for me because I'd never tell him.

Which I would've done if I got the chance.

But it's whatever, we move on, but Tommys definitely my favourite now.

"Heather?" I turned around to see Izzy.

"Iz?" I asked.

"Axl wanted me to ask you if you'd speak to him,"

"I'm not the fucking Queen, he can speak to me if he wants to apologise," I snickered.

Izzy chuckled, "he's outside."

I nodded, I left the bus and saw Axl fidgeting with the cigarette in between his fingers.

I sighed while resting against the wall Axl was also resting against waiting for him to speak. Which he didn't, for a good few minutes.

"Hello?" I groaned in annoyance.

"Right, sorry,"

I pursed my lips together waiting for what he had to say, "I'm sorry,"

"For what I said to you the other day, I was just pissed off."

"That's not an excuse," I sighed while brushing my hair behind my ears.

"I know, I'm sorry," he groaned again.

"Do you have to date Steven?"

"Yes," I responded, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Fine then, look date him but don't be doing anything in front of me, don't let him knock you up, you're too young, and if he pulls something I don't like, I'll be speaking to him."

I rolled my eyes, "thank you for your approval, your Majesty,"

"I'm only saying it because I love you," he mumbled the last bit so I couldn't hear, looking away to not make eye contact but I broke out into a large grin.

"That's cute," I said with an amused smile.

"Shut up, brat," he rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to find Steven, see you." Axl rushed off and I smiled to myself in amusement. But I also hoped he wouldn't embarrass me.


The boys had just finished their show that evening so we all went to a bar for drinks, I sat in the leather booth next to Steven and opposite Duff.

"Do you have to sit next to him?" Axl whined.

"Grow up," I stuck my tongue out at him.


"Stop arguing," Izzy grumbled while drinking whatever concoction he held in his hand.

"I see you made up," Slash said.

"It's not big deal," Axl groaned.

"What was it that you called your own sister again? A slut? But it's no big deal." Slash snickered.

"I said sorry!"

"He even said he loved me," I teased and Axl dropped his head down onto the table.

"Axl's going all soft," Duff joined in.

"Alright, that's enough." Axl grumbled while picking his head back up off the table.

Steven leaned over to my ear, "Axl spoke to me earlier," he said, whispering into my ear.

I rolled my eyes I was just about to respond when I felt eyes burning into my skin, "fucking stop, please," Axl pleaded.

"Stop what?" Steven sighed.

"Groping my sister," Axl huffed.

"I'm not,"

"You so are,"


"You're just like leaning all over her and-

"Axl, dude, it's no big deal." Slash shrugged while smoking a cigarette.

"I'm going back to the bus." I told Axl and he nodded.

Usually he would've got someone to go with me but the bus was literally only down the road. I got out of the booth, "you want we to come with you?" Steven asked.

"She has legs, she can walks down the street on her own." Axl groaned.

I shook my head, "see you later." I said before walking down the street to the bus.


Word count- 687

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