Chapter 17: Small World

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May 9th, 1984

The week at flown by, it was already Sunday. And just like Michael had promised I had my photoshoot with cosmopolitan and they were supposed to be publishing the magazine today.

As I sat on the sofa I heard a pissed off Tracii slam the front door. "What's up?" I shouted to him

Tracii walked into the living room with a huff and sat down next to me.

He ranted about his band or something, apparently they went to be two bands or some shit?

The only thing I really picked up was that there were two bands now and the guy I met the other day was in the other band. I couldn't really understand him since he was speaking so fast but I didn't want to ask if to repeat the story in case it increased his anger.

"Right, that makes sense."

Tracii shrugged before lighting a cigarette. I had told Tracii about the photoshoot and how it was getting published today and he seemed happy for me; as did Tiffany, who was practically bouncing off the walls once I told her.



I sat in the record studio with Izzy, Steven and Slash. Steven and Duff had gone somewhere.

I tapped a pen on a piece of paper trying to think of new fucking song lyrics. "I can't think of shit," I hissed kicking some papers on the floor next to me.

"Don't fret," Slash shrugged smoking a cigarette. I threw a piece of paper at his head but before Slash could do something back; Steven and Duff walked in together.

"You guys seen this chick before?" Duff walked in, holding some magazine.

Slash walked over to them, "oh, yeah." Slash said nonchalantly. Steven and Duff exchanged a glance wondering what he meant by that.

"Throw it over." Izzy mumbled.

Duff threw it over to Izzy and Izzy whistled for me to come over. With an agitated groan, I stood up and walked over.

I looked at the girl on the cover who looked oddly familiar. It took me a few seconds before recognising her as my fuckin' sister.

I quickly looked at Izzy and he looked back at me obviously thinking the exact same thing.

"How'd you know her Slash?" I asked sending him a glare.

"Heather? She was with Tracii." Slash shrugged.

"Who was with Tracii?" Duff asked.

"How does she know Tracii?" I sighed.

"Slash, you met her?" Steven asked in confusion.

"Why are we talking about Tracii?" Duff asked again.

"You know her?" Steven asked in more confusion.

"Why are we fucking talking about Tracii?" Everyone ignored Duff's questions about Tracii.

"She's in LA?" Izzy asked in confusion.

"Whys it matter?" Steven asked in confusion.

"Can you fucking shut up!" I sighed loudly.

"Do you know her?" Slash asked also feeling confused now.

"I think," I hissed in frustration at all the questions. Obviously I knew her but I wanted to know what the fuck was going on first.

"I asked her if she knew you and she said no." Slash shrugged.

New name.

"Slash, you actually met her?" Duff asked.

"She's just as hot in real life." Slash winked, Duff snickered and broke into a smile. I immediately felt uncomfortable since that is my little sister.

"Can you fucks shut up." I hissed, before storming out of the little studio. I could hear everyone mumbling in confusion.

I sat on the brick wall outside the building and not soon later, Izzy came out and sat next to me.

"Is that actually her?"

"I'd recognise her anywhere," I mumbled.

"If Tracii knows her then it won't be too hard to find her," Izzy suggested, while smoking a cigarette.

I looked at him in disbelief, did he not remember everything that happened with the band last week?

"Whatever," I spat in frustration.

Izzy shrugged before stealing my cigarette and I huffed loudly. "Just call Tracii, dude,"

"I'll think about it,"

And with that, I stood up and stormed back into the studio feeling super pissed. Everyone looked as I walked in.

"What you looking at?" 

Steven quickly looked away while Slash shrugged. I pondered on whether to call Tracii or not, especially after our little disagreement.

Heather may not even want to speak to me, I mean I basically abandoned her in Indiana in an unstable home; even after I promised to call and visit her.

"She'll get over it," I thought to myself with a small shrug.

Izzy walked back in and I tried writing note lyrics; but I couldn't fuckin' think straight.

With a small sigh I stood up. "You got 25 cents?" I mumbled to no one in particular.

Izzy looked at me with a knowing look. Duff threw me over the coins before I stormed out of the studio again.

I walked down the street to the nearest phone booth and dialled Tracii's number; as much as I didn't want to.

"Hello?" A voice said on the other end, which obviously wasn't Tracii's, thinking it was some random chick Tracii brought home.

I groaned. "Is Tracii there?"

"God alive, bite my head off," the voice hissed back just as pissed off as me.

"He's coming."

And with that Tracii was on the other end. "Hello?"

"Tracii? It's Axl,"

"Dude," He groaned loudly.

"Just hear me out," I hissed trying to calm myself before speaking.

"Do you know Heather? Heather Bailey?" I mumbled frustratedly.

Tracii scoffed, "I'm not doing you anymore favours, man,"

Just as Tracii was about the phone down, I blurted something out irrationally, "she's my sister,"

Tracii put the phone back to his ear. "I knew you both looked similar," he mumbled, his voice trailing off.

"Do you know where she is?"

"You were just speaking to her," he snickered.

Then it clicked, the girl who I thought was some random chick, she was my own goddamn sister.

"Small world, huh?" Tracii joked.

"Can you put her on?" I groaned frustratedly.

"She just left," he said nonchalantly.

I groaned loudly and pinched the bridge of my nose, "Tell her Will was asking after her,"

"And tell her to call me back,"

"No favours, sorry,"

I could sense Tracii putting the phone down, "wait, please. Tracii please,"

I sighed feeling embarrassed, I could practically feel Tracii's smirk through the phone.

"Fine, because you asked nicely,"

"Thanks I guess."

And with that, I put the phone back down on its hook shaking my head in disbelief.


Word count- 1084

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