Chapter 39- Oblivious

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June 3rd, 1984

That day after my brother came in wanting to speak to me, Steven was doing everything he possibly could to avoid me and avoid eye contact.

It made me wonder what I could've done wrong, but I didn't think I'd done anything.

"Steven?" I called out, noticing he was resting against a wall, a bit further down than I was, smoking a cigarette.

I watched as he threw his cigarette and started to walk off, it was obvious that he'd heard me as well.

I huffed loudly, cursing under my breath as I followed behind him, "what's got up your ass?"


"Why are you ignoring me?" I groaned, trying to keep up with him but he was purposefully walking fast.

"Are you that oblivious or just delusional?"

I scoffed, "what the fuck have I done?"

"Never mind." Steven sighed walking faster.

"Steven! Slow down," I hissed.

"You always have an attitude with me,"

"I don't," I said defensively.

"You do right now,"

"That's because you won't tell me what wrong," I sighed.

"Is it about what you wanted to ask me earlier?"


"So, tell me what it is you wanted to tell me,"

He stopped walking, we were in some random street now which was surprisingly empty. I'd forgotten to even look or care about where I was headed, I was just following after Steven.

"It's stupid,"

"Just tell me," I let out a long breath.

"I really like you, Heather."

"I like you too," I said, dropping the small attitude I had.

"So, I was just wondering if you'd want to go on a proper date, as like a proper couple," I could see him look down in embarrassment.

"But I didn't want to say because Axl was there,"

"I'd like that," I smiled slightly.

"You would?"

"Yeah," I chuckled.

"Axl's gonna murder me if he ever finds out,"

"Forget about him." I grumbled.

He snickered while cupping my face with his hands and gently placing a kiss on my lips.

"See you later, beautiful." He winked before walking off, and I stood there in slight shock.

Who knew all this would happen on one tour?


Word count- 365

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