Chapter 21: Studio

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May 14th, 1984

After chatting to Adriana for a while, I noticed Steven glancing at me but when I look up at him he quickly looked away in embarrassment.

Will and Jeff showed up, "Heather!" Jeff sang happily, all the boys went into the recording booth thing, leaving me with Adriana.

Adriana explained to me about how they had made an album and were releasing it next week.

Nobody thought to tell me that.

After staying in the studio for about two hours I decided to go back to check on Tracii, I walked in noticing how alarmingly silent it was.

I took my shoes off before calling out, "Tracii?"

"Tracii?" I called out again as I walked out into the kitchen. And that's when I saw him.

Tracii had basically drunk all the alcohol in the entire apartment, there were empty bottles scattered around, he was sat on the floor with another bottle; this one being half empty.

"Tracii," I sighed as I crouched down to him and took the bottle off him.

"Heather," he slurred drunkenly.

"I was only gone for about three hours," I sighed wiping his hair that was sticking to his forehead out of his face.

"Heather," he slurred trying to stand up.

I quickly helped him stand up but assisted him to the sofa, "You could've hurt yourself,"

He nodded looking down at his hands, "You love Slash," He slurred drunkenly and I looked at him in confusion.

"No, what made you think that?" I smiled faintly sitting next to him and brushing more hair out of his eyes.

"You always talk about him," he pouted.

"Well, I don't like him in that way," I assured. "Did that bother you?" I asked in confusion.

"Well, I really like you Heather," he slurred drunkenly.

I smiled, "How about you just get some rest and we'll talk about it when you're more sober," I explained and he nodded.

I thought that was the better option than to completely crush him while he was drunk.

I lay him in a position that would make sure he wouldn't choke on his own puke. "Comfy?" I asked.

He nodded before closing his eyes. I sighed loudly as his snores filled the room.

I rested my back against the wall thinking about what Tracii said before, the phone ringing snapped me out of my thoughts. I wondered off to the phone and picked it up. "Hello?"

"Heather, it's Michael, I got two jobs for you that you're probably gonna want to take,"

"Go on," I smiled, twirling the phone cord around my finger.

"First off, Playboy what to work with you again and another mag called Seventeen want you on the front page,"

"That's great!" I smiled.

Michael gave me all the dates and times and I wrote them on a piece of paper next to me. "Bye Michael." I said as I put the phone down on its hook.

I sighed and walked into the kitchen, tidying all the bottles up.


A few hours later Tracii woke up with a loud groan, I went into the kitchen before bringing him some water and Advil to help with his head.

Tracii seemed a whole lot more sober now, "Take that," I said putting the water on the coffee table.

"Thanks," he groaned.

I sat next to him on the sofa with a small yawn, "if I said anything stupid, ignore it,"

"Okay," I said quietly.

We sat in an awkward silence for a moment as Tracii took his pill and took a long swig of the water. "I got two new modelling gigs,"

"Atta girl," he gave me small high five making me break into a smile.

"What something to eat?" I asked standing up.

"I'll probably throw up if I eat something."

I snickered before finding something edible.


Word count: 642

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