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"Where do I play into all of this? I know you guys don't want me on the field during the fight. I don't have the speed of a vampire, and it's dangerous. Edward made that very clear to Bella and I. But I also can't stay here at the house and hope you all come back to me" I directly tell Alice and Esme.

"I haven't seen what we do with you" Alice states rubbing her forehead.

"Maybe there are less things to see. And more things to understand" I tell Alice.

"I get you want to fight along side us. But we cannot chance you getting hurt. We all know you are capable, and your powers alone could take out a full army," Esme explains, "I think it would be best if you go with Edward and Bella."

"But Jacob will be there" I whined. The two woman smile at my small tantrum.

"He will. But not the whole time. Seth will be there as well. You can have someone else to talk with" Alice states.

"You had me at Seth" I simply agree.

It was the day before the battle

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It was the day before the battle. To say I was nervous and a little bit scared was an understatement. I am fucking terrified, not for what's coming. But for the people I care about. If any of them gets hurt or even possibly...killed. I will go on a rampage and destroy everything in my path.

They were all worried that the newborn army was after me as well. Even with no signs pointing my way, we couldn't be too sure.

I had hugged and kissed everyone a goodbye, although I told them it was a 'see you later'. I refused to say goodbye.

Bella had already left with Jacob by the time I made it to Edward. Rosalie had dropped me off in her car and peeled out when she could see Edward.

"Promise me you won't do anything stupid?" Edward asked.

"I can't make any promises" I answer. Edward pulls me into his arms, he leans his head down since he's a giant compared to me. And presses a loving kiss against my lips. I blush at the attention and lean back.

"I still don't make any promises" I tell him making him groan in annoyance. He tried to convince me, but it didn't work.

I hear shuffling from the trees behind me. Turning I see a shadow making their way through the threes.

"You ready?" Seth asked me emerging from the trees. I just nod my head and he scoops me into his arms. Taking off running up hill.

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