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(With a black coat)

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(With a black coat)

The last few weeks were about the same. Bella and I had a few run ins with the Cullens. Hers was more of a confusion, her eyes always wandered for Edward. Mine was for all of them. I still haven't meet the whole family but I would talk with Rosalie in our French class, and exchange words with Alice in passing. I wasn't brave enough yet to approach the others. I wanted to get used to the feeling being around the two girls before I meet more of them. Something tells me that this feeling I get with the Cullens would happen with all of them. Which is not something I want to think about just yet.

Bella was starting to question why the Cullens were never here during our sunny school days. It was like they just disappeared, though classmates said it was for camping. Something seemed off, and the more Bella wondered I did too. Bella's always been the better observer of us two.

"Dad I'm going to stop at the store with Bella after school

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"Dad I'm going to stop at the store with Bella after school. Do you want me to grab you anything?" I asked him as gave him a goodbye hug.

"No need Kaylia Bug, Olivia and i are going out for dinner. So I left some pizza money for you on the kitchen counter" Dad told me.

"Okay. Tell Olivia I said hi. And that if she wants to buy my love she can make me more chocolate chip muffins" I says with a cheesy smile.

"Sure thing bug. You text me if you need anything" He states.

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