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I felt some comfort knowing the wolves were willing to help me protect Bella. Now that we knew for sure Victoria was here in forks. I had caught Bella emailing Alice and none of her emails going through. We had gotten into a little fight about it. But I ended up giving uo when Bella pulled me to her bed to cuddle and kiss. I am a weak woman sometimes. It's not like Alice could see them anyway.

I wasn't letting Bella out of my sight anymore though. Not with the impending danger getting closer and closer. She thought she could be slick and sneak out of the house the next morning when I was sleeping. But I woke up and let her think she got far before I followed her in my car. My bond knowing what direction she was going.

My legs are running through the forest as I follow where my heart is leading me. I don't know why she was going out here, but I felt like she had a death wish.

A snap behind me makes me stop still in my tracks. My ears twitch trying to hear as I look around. When I see nothing I start walking again, though slightly slower than when I was running. Something wasn't right.

Alice-3rd person pov

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3rd person pov

The vampire girl freezes as she is forced in to an abrupt vision. Esme flashed to stand next to the girl, not touching her as her eyes cloud. Carlisle and Jasper watching closely from where they stand.

Alice sees Kaylia and Bella. They are in two different places, Bella stands at a cliff looking down at the water before she jumps.

Then Kaylia is standing still in a clearing her eyes crimson red. Her hand is red either energy flowing around the tips of her fingers. She is thrown from behind, body slamming against a large rock before she falls to the ground moaning in pain. Her eyes are blue again as she touches the blood dripping down from her forehead.

A scream rips through her chest as she's dragged quickly through the woods. Kicking her legs as she tries to move away. When her eyes turn red again, a woman jumps on her lunging for her neck. Her fangs digging through the side and ripping flesh from her body. She dies when her neck is then snapped. Her heart no longer beating.

Victoria smirking then taking off running again-

Alice snaps out of her vision with a cry coming from her throat.

"What is it?" Esme asked looking at the girl

"They are dead" She dry sobs.

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