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My body felt lighter than usual, almost like I was floating. A surge of energy flowed through me and also around me. It was in the air, on the floor, against the walls, and in my pores. All I could see was a red force light enough to run my fingers through and almost transparent. Yet heavy enough to move anything in its way.

I screamed loudly as my body was levitating in the air when I woke up. I felt as light as a feather and couldn't control my movements. I couldn't move at all, I was just there in the air above my bed.

"Kaylia?" My dad yelled kicking in my bedroom door. His baseball bat drops to the ground with a thus as he paused and we locked eyes. My glowing red one's meeting his shocked hazel eyes.

"Oh fuck," He gasped walking closer to me, "Okay baby girl just close your eyes and imagine your body becoming heavier. Take deep breathes in and out" He guides reaching through the red energy flowing around me and grabbing my hand.

I could barely hear what he said, my ears felt like they were flooded with water. I follow his breathing pattern and feel my heart calm down. That was just because I knew I was safe in my father's hands.

After a couple minutes my body just fell from the air and I fell on my bed.

"Fuck me" I groaned rolling into a ball. My bed dips net to me as my dad takes a seat next to me.

"I had hoped this would skip a generation" My dad chuckled sounding disappointed.

"What do you mean?" I gasped still shaking a little. I felt like a thousand tiny volts were zooming all over my body. It didn't hurt but it felt so odd. I couldn't even explain it.

"I had to grow up with the same thing you're going through right now. Though it wasn't me who had this power you have. It was my sister" He admits running his hands down his face.

"Dad please stop speaking in short answers and just give it to me. Should I be scared?" I asked nervously sitting up as my body seemed to calm down now.

"No baby girl. Come here," he holds his arms out and I lay back against his chest as he sits against my head board. His hands run through my hair as he speaks.

"When I was a kid my family tired to keep the truth from me. I had always thought my older sister was a little strange. Sometimes she would have burst of anger, or come home with bruise all over her body that miraculously healed the next day. She would disappear for a while and come back like nothing ever happened. One day she lost control and that's how I found out everything. My sister was a protector to a coven member of witches in our hometown in New Orleans. She was mated to the witch boy that was part of the coven. Rachel and Jett would do anything to protect one another. To make a long story short the coven turned on the two, and it resulted in my sister dying along side her mate," he explained.

"That's tragic, I didn't even know I had an aunt. She died for the one she loved the most, I can't even imagine" I sadly stated.

"She had the two powers, speed and shape shifting. Every protector has the healing power that's just an added bonus. Yet everyone has their own two gifts. We will figure out what yours is" he stated.

"I thought I was going crazy dad. There's been a few instances where I have moved things. I don't know how to make it happen on demand. But it usually shows up when I'm angry or very very focused" I stated.

"It'll get easier over time my daughter. I don't have powers but I know how to help. I'm just sorry you have to live with this" Dad tells me.

"Why are you sorry. You can't control this daddy" I comforted.

"Because now that your powers have came out. You'll have a huge responsibility that is all on you. No matter what others tell you or how they try to help you. Those of which you protect rely solely on you and you only. All their trama and pain will be yours and same with them. If you are a protector of more than one, that is a lot of pain and suffering you will go through. It may not be all bad, but with my experience it didn't end well" He answered holding on tighter like he was afraid I'd disappear.

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