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"Where is he?" I asked in hysterics rushing into the hospital. I'm stopped by a nurse as I tried to run into the surgery unit. The guest, another doctors and nurses are watching us.

"You can't go back there miss" She tries to tell me. Holding me back as I keep trying to get passed her.

"Fuck I can't. My father's back there, you goose looking bitch!" I spoke in pure anger.

"That's no way to speak young lady. You can go wait in the lobby with the other guest" She said in shock like she was scandalize.

"You think I give two shits about how I'm speaking!" I yelled as anger rises in my body.

"Hellen I'll take this from here" Carlisle says stepping in when I was about to shove her. I calm down instantly seeing my mate. But I'm still angry and upset. The nurse looks up and blushes as soon as she sees the doctor. Batting her fake eyelashes and straightening her posture.

I really wanted to throw her through a wall now.

"Oh thank god you're here Dr.Cullen. Good luck with her, she's a wild as a beast" she says before walking off.

"Bitch," I scoffed under my breath, "thank god your here dr.cullen. I just want to smooch your face and raise your babies," I muttered mocking the woman.

"Kaylia, you have to calm down sweetheart," he says ignoring what I said, "I ask that you come with me so we can speak" he tells me in a calm voice. Though he looks worried.

He says nothing else and starts walking. I follow him through the halls before he opens a door to what looks like a meeting room that's vacant. He motions for me to sit pulling out a chair for me. When I timidly sit down, he pushes my chair in. Taking a seat next to me.

"What is it?" I ask ready to leave. I just wanted to see my dad.

I had gotten a call from Charlie Swan, he explained to me that my father had been in an accident. He told me he would be at the hospital here in town. My dad hadn't made it even twenty minutes away from town, before a truck collided with his car. I had never ran so fast in my life, I was speeding down roads just to make here. I was scared, more scared than I had ever been.

Carlisle reaches his hands out and grabs onto both of mine. I grin his hands tightly where mine turn completely white. I'm sweating and my heart is pounding against my chest. My breathing is becoming harder as Carlisle avoids my eyes.

"There is never a good way to say this," he starts, and my heart drops, "The accident was too severe. His injuries were beyond our control. Your father didn't m-

I burst into tears before he could finish. I knew what he was going to tell me. And I didn't want to hear it. Because if he said it, it would make it real. And I didn't want to know that my father was no longer here.

Ames are wrapped around me and I'm pressed to a hard chest. I hadn't even registered when he had pulled me into his arms. My body was shaking violently. Regret, anger, shame, and pain coursing thought out my body and mind.

It was my fault. If I hadn't of fought with him, he would still be here. He wouldn't have left mad at me. He wouldn't have speed out of the driveway.

I didn't tell him I loved him.

"What a-am I supposed to do, what do i-I do" I stuttered out sobbed and gripping onto his shirt like it was my lifeline. Right now it was.

My heart had just been yanked out of my body, violently ripped into a thousand tiny pieces. It felt like someone had punched me in the stomach repeatedly and my organs had been torn out.

I felt hallow.

My dad was dead. I didn't know how I would recover from this. How could I ever be happy know I no longer had the person who helped bring me into this world with me, only for him to be taken out without me. If I could be happy after this, I would fell like I betrayed him.

"I'll help you through this Kaylia. We all will. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry" Carlisle whispers against my hair. Keeping me pressed against him. We stay like that for what feels like forever.

 We stay like that for what feels like forever

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