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June 7th

It was my birthday today

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It was my birthday today. My eighteenth birthday to be exact. I had always been older than the other kids in my grade as I started a year late. Alice was upset that I chose not to celebrate. I really did not think now was the time for anymore parties. Plus we had been preparing for the battle that was quickly approaching.

Earlier this morning I was smothered with gifts and hugs from the others. I felt happy and grateful to them all. But it just wouldn't be the same without my father here. I had woken up pretty depressed not even wanting to think about the day. But I had made sure to put on a front that I was at least okay.

This month was pretty tense anyways. I don't think I could celebrate even if I wanted to.

I'm sitting on the ground in the large field surrounded by dense forest. The mist is heavy; it's overcast, grey. The air thick with a tension.

I have a book in my lap that I'm not really paying attention to. I'm too busy watching Emmett get his ass kicked by Jasper as they spar.

Emmett goes sliding on his back at a fast pace n before coming to a complex stop and jumping to his feet. "Again!"

Carlisle, Esme, Alice and Rosalie watch them fight. Everyone is in their sparing clothes. We all wore black clothes, it was giving funeral.

From the tree-line and the Pack emerged from the mist across from where we were. Right as Bella and Edward exit his vehicle and walk to stand with us. My mates stand not far behind Jasper and Carlisle and Edward who stand in the front. I get up from my spot throwing my book on top of my jacket and walk up behind Esme, taking my place next to her.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms" Edward states reason their minds

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"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms" Edward states reason their minds. I guess I get where they are coming from. But I still roll my eyes.

"They came. That's what matters," Carlisle states moving to the center to face Sam next to Edward, "Will you translate?" He asked Edward.

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