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After my talk with Rosalie she had asked if I was willing to go to her house and speak with the others. They all looked almost shocked that I was even in their presence.

Our conversation took hours, there was a lot of tears on my part, and dry sobs on theirs. All the Cullens were there while I spoke with them. Explaining how I felt and what I had been through in their time of departure.

When Bella drive over, Bella had held my hand and we both explained everything that I didn't cover. They felt awful about what they did, but then the relief set in when I explained how I didn't die at Victorias hands. They were not happy Bella and I were friends with wolves now. But they were thankful they had saved our lives.

I had decided to forgive them, and give them a chance to not hurt me again. One chance was all I would be willing to offer. Because I didn't want to regret it if I walked away; always thinking of the what ifs. I never want to regret anything I have done up till now. My heart told me if I disappeared from their lives, that I would disappear within myself. I did not want to go through anymore internal wars.

Bella made the Cullens vote on us turning

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Bella made the Cullens vote on us turning. I didn't want to participate but she literally held me in place. For such a fragile girl she sure had a vice like grip.

Everyone had come to an agreement, the only ones who voted no being Rosalie and Edward.

Rose had thanked Bella for our saving of her brother. But she had stated she wished this upon no one, and wished someone would have been able to vote for her. I had almost cried at her statement, something terrible had happened to her. I heard the story and I understood why she said that.

Carlisle had reluctantly agreed, saying that he couldn't afford to lose his son, or his mate ever again. And if it's something that Bella wanted for herself, then he would agree. And same with me. Although I didn't really know if I wanted to be a vampire anytime soon, but I knew that I didn't have an option in the matter not with the Italian scum in the castle.

Later that night I hugged every single person in that room, and felt the deep void that had made my chest ache in pain fill up with warmth. The holes weren't sealed, but patches would do for now.

If you don't leave your past in the past. It will destroy your future. Love for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away...

 Love for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away

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Bella and I are sitting on the makeshift balcony on-top of my treehouse. Our hands are interlocked, our hair blowing in the cool breeze.

"The moon is peaked at its highest" Bella tells me. We are star gazing again. Something that only we do together, it's the one thing we do together that we can feel a moment of calm from. Something we had done since childhood.

"It's beautiful tonight. You know, it reminds me a lot of us, and what we've been through. What challenges we have overcome leading us to now. Light and darkness" I whispered locking eyes with the brown eyed girl.

"How so Angel?" She ask eyes boring into mine. Our voices almost as quiet as the area around us.

My eyes light up as I look at the eclipse, "just like this moon," I guessed pointing up at the black circle with a ring of light around it, "After your darkest hour, the sun will shine again."

"Is there a name for it?" She questions looking at the moon herself.

"Yes it's an Eclipse."

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