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3 person pov-

The eighteen year old woman was laid on the makeshift hospital be in Carlisle's office. The Cullens, including Bella were standing around the bed. All their eyes locked on the motionless girl.

Her body still as stone with no sign of life as she lays there. Her pale skin had already turned a shade paler, and her freckles were so faded that one could barely tell they were there.

Her red hair was shiner and a darker shade of red almost caramelized. Her facial features had sharpen, making her jaw more prominent. Her nose slightly pointer at the end, and her lips fuller looking like they have a natural tint of red. She looked more mature all around. 

The girls skin was smoother, hairless. Her stomach flatter and tighter as if she went to the gym consistently. Her bust was fuller now, and her collarbones held no blemishes. She looked like a doll. 

Her red hair had been braided to keep stray hairs out of her face. Her body had been cleaned and dressed in a off white blouse and a pair of black jeans, with black flats clad on her feet. Her ring rested on her finger, and a pair of butterfly hoops clipped in her ears. She looked stunning like sleeping beauty from where she rested.

"When will she wake up?" Bella questions. 

"A few hours," Alice states, "She's been like this for two days now."

"Will she remember us?" Bella asked again, her voice laced with concern. There was a hint of something else in her voice, something the family couldn't quite make out.

"She will" Alice replies. The air was solemn as they all stood around. 

"She didn't want this. At least not yet. It's too early" Emmett speaks up.

"It couldn't be helped. I rather her this, than her to die" Carlisle confessed. The others did not say it but they felt the same.

"She would have turned this year anyways. I just can't believe she died when none of us were around" Jasper quietly says as a grits his teeth.

"From a fucking hit and run" Rosalie huffed pissed at the person who did this. The other feels angry from what she said. 

Edward stares at Alice, seeing something only they can communicate upon. Edward grabs Bella's hand to pull her away. "We need to get you home."

"What? No I'm staying. I have to see her when she wakes" Bella argues.

Carlisle steps forward, "Bella you cannot be here when she wakes up. A newborn is unpredictable. They are violent and driven by thirst when they first awaken. You can't be here."

"Fine. But can she at least call me after she hunts?" Bella pleads.

"I will see to it" Emmett lied. And with that Bella says her goodbyes and they head out. Edward promising to be back in less than an hour.

 Edward promising to be back in less than an hour

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The girl is reborn, her eyes now a pure red with swirls of gold around the pupil

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The girl is reborn, her eyes now a pure red with swirls of gold around the pupil. Her eyes looked slightly different than a typical vampire due to the specks that twinkled in her eyes. She abruptly sits at the edge of the bed for a moment, taking in everything around her. She can see the dust partials floating around in the air. Looking at the wall, she can see the cracks and lines in the wood panels. Her ears twitch as she hears everyone around the house. Someone was talking to someone else, another person was wiping a counter down. There sounded like someone was two stories up making a bed. And somebody else was showering. Then someone else steps into the room, snapping the girls attention to them.

Kaylia moves faster than she thinks and ends up a foot away from Jasper. He's looking down into her red eyes his own topaz amazed by what he sees. The girl reaches out to his exposed forearm, grabbing onto his arm and running over the scared bites that rest there.

"Grips a little tight darling," Jasper mused.

"Oh," She says before jumping back. Her own voice slightly scaring her. It sounded softer, lighter like bell chimes. More feminine and not so deep anymore.

"You're stunning" Jasper smirked running a finger along her jaw. The girl would have blushed if she still could. 

"I sound fucking stupid" She groans making Jasper burst out laughing.

"That's what you're worried about?" He laughed.

"What else would I be worried about?" She grinned her fangs flashing at Jasper. Jaspers face drops into a frown and he looks past her for a moment. 

"You're one of us now, completely. We had no choice but to turn you" He sighs looking upset. She steps close again and is very careful as she places both hands on his shoulders.

"I'm glad it was one of you. And it wasn't against my will, I rather have been turned by you guys. Then have it forced by someone else. Thank you," she says.

"For what?" He asked looking confused.

"For saving me."


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