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We can't always tell the difference between hell and earth. When we were with you, you had given us an inkling of what heaven was. We all are thankful god had brought you to us and gave us this past year to spend with you.
You had shown us what it truly meant to love. And with love comes sacrifice; to give you up will never ever become any easier for us. But we will have to learn to live without. And we hope that you can do the same.
Enjoy life and live every day with no regrets. Please promise that you will live life every day as if it's your last. Please don't give up hope, because you will find someone that will never have the power to leave you. It was a hard decision for us to do this, though it is for the greater good.
We will regret the rest of eternity that we had ever left in the first place. But we hope that you can forgive and forget. We just would never work...no matter what you think. Kaylia you will always hold a special place in our hearts.
It goes without saying that you have changed all of our lives. For that we will be forever grateful.
We wish you the best
-With regards
Olympic Coven

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