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I don't think that anyone could truly ever begin to understand how I feel right now. To see so many people here, to have wolves and vampires and warlocks working together even if they don't get along; well this would change all of our futures. Of course like any rational person I am scared that something terrible could happen. But on the bright side I'm happy that I had gotten this chance to meet new people like me and find new meaning in this world.

My eyes locked with my own in the mirror as I stared at my reflection. My personality and overall whole character had changed drastically over the years. I remembered being a sarcastic girl, who didn't really care what others thought of her. I had a rough life just like many other people and I'd gone through large changes. Now when I look at myself I feel so different than before. I'm not as mean as I used to be for one. I care about way more people than I ever did before. And I worry a lot more, but I guess that's only natural. Though I do not have any regrets about anything. My life had been a whirlwind of emotions and chaos.

My hands run through my hair and I walk away from the mirror after making sure I looked neat. There was no more training, just time to wait for the day the Volturi comes. I leave my bathroom and head down the stairs as I stare off into space.

The home, housing many types of people felt almost too quiet. I have gotten so used to the last few weeks and how loud everything was. That even in a moment of silence I missed the amount of people missing.

"You're thinking pretty hard," Emmett smirks, hand sliding around my waist to press me against his chest, "Hopefully it's about me."

I can't stop the giggles that fall from my mouth. Emmett has a way of making everything fun, his humor brings light to everything.

"Your not even a second thought," I joked. Of course I thought about him, they were always on my mind. But messing with him at any chance is my favorite pastime.

"You wound me babygirl," he claims pretending to be hurt.

"You might need a bandage" I played along.

"How about you seal my pain with a kiss" the cheeky man suggests.

"Well," I debate, "I guess I can get behind that."

Emmett is quick to pick me up in a bear hug, and I press multiple kisses to his lips. Laughing as he tries to chase for more. Ultimately I give in and let him have the long searing kiss he wanted.

"Aren't you two cute," Roses voice cuts through the moment, "Now move it's my turn." I feel on cloud nine as my mates playfully fight each other with me standing to the side laughing and just having a good time.

"No need to fight, there's plenty of me to go around."

Ezra bites his teeth into a sandwich as the pack sits with him, eating the food I helped Esme make

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Ezra bites his teeth into a sandwich as the pack sits with him, eating the food I helped Esme make. I smile while watching them all get along. Seth and Paul seemed to take a liking to my mate the quickest. When we weren't busy you could find the three playing soccer or messing with the rest of us. They made quite the team.

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