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"I'm sorry" I apologized before coughs racked through my body painfully. I had caught a small cold over the week, the soon turned into a full blown illness. I had gotten bronchitis, and felt like I was dying.

"Don't apologize princess. I don't mind taking care of you" Rosalie tells me taking a seat on the side of my bed in my house. Her cool hand placed on my forehead, helping keeping my temperature down. Her other hand reaching to my nightstand and pouring some of my medicine in a small cup. Mixing it with my water knowing I hate the taste.

"Still, you could be doing anything better than this" I state. She runs her finger through my hair smoothing down the frizz.

"I think making sure my princess is okay, is better. I don't want you to be sick forever" She softly speaks grinning as she makes me drink the medicine. My face scrunching up. But the water making it more bearable.

"I mean. Who else is going to help me prank Emmett" She adds. I would laugh if it didn't hurt so much.

"Now. No more talking. You'll heal faster" she warns me. She didn't always show it, but she was the kindest woman I had ever met.

I wouldn't give this up for the world. If the world was to crumble, I would hold the hand of my lover. Shielding her vision from the chaos.

"Sometimes I think ask for too much

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"Sometimes I think ask for too much. That I'm too demanding and childish" Bella speaks to me. She had been feeling really down today. Sometimes she gets these moments of pure sadness where she questions everything.

"It's not demanding that you know what you want. I wished I had more courage like you sometimes to tell everyone what I think" I answer.

"And childish..please. You're the most mature person in my life that's my age. Your smart, you could solve the earths deepest secrets of you wants to. Your kind, your heart too big and loving sometimes. I love you for that" I honestly tell her.

"I will never understand why you feel the way you do about me. I'm not the prettiest girl, nor am I the nicest. Yet you still look at me everyday like I hung the moon in the sky" Bella whispered while we laid on her rooftop. We were star gazing, it was our thing.

She had never been more wrong than in that moment. She didn't think she was the prettiest girl, well, I thought that her beauty rivaled the galaxy. She didn't think she was the nicest, but I knew her heart was pure as gold.

"Ella, I fall in love with souls, not faces" I whispered back sliding my hand to grip hers. She squeezes mine and my heart swells.

"Your my life" She speaks back.

"You're my world."

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