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[First Day]

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[First Day]

"Okay, so first thing you need to know about school—."

"You are new," A short woman came up to Sara. She sniffed her and Sara looked over at the other three. "What's her deal? Why is she with you four?"

"She's living with us," Chase explained.

"Oh good she was too pretty to be with any of you," The woman explained. "Who am I kidding each of you are butt ugly."

"My name is Sara James, who are you?" Sara stared at the woman.

"Principal Perry and you just got detention for using that tone, little Miss Perfect. Now scram!" The group pushed Sara forward as they moved toward the locker.

"Well this is fun and it makes me want to cry," Sara rested her head against the locker door.

"Yeah, school's the greatest," Leo smiled. "Except for the bullying."


"The people."

"The homework."

"The tests."

"I like the tests," Chase muttered. Sara gave him a slight smirk as she turned around.

"Well good thing I'm in most of your classes then," She pressed the schedule to Chase's chest.

"It's the other freak!"

"That's her!"

"She's cute."

"What's happening?" Sara asked as she watched people walk past and pointed at her.

"Oh yeah, so um, when we were outed as benign bionic you were too. It was about the pipeline that almost burst and a video was leaked by our nemesis and you were in the video."

"Mmmm," Sara took a deep breath. "So everyone thinks I'm a freak."

"Not necessarily." "Yes." Bree and Leo said at the same time. Chase and Sara both looked at them.

"Don't listen to them," Bree put her arm around Sara's shoulders. "You'll do amazing today. You are a superhero."

"I'm not worried." the bell rang and Chase grabbed Sara's arm.

"We're going to be late, Bree let go of her."

"Bye, Bree!" Sara waved as she followed after Chase. When they got to class she realized she already knew the information. They were in Physics. The teacher started writing things on the board and Sara tried to follow, but gave up since she got bored.

"I don't want to give you the notes after class, pay attention," Chase whispered to her. She raised her head and looked over at him.

"I already know the material." She put her head back down.

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