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Season 4 - Episode 10

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Season 4 - Episode 10

[Spike vs. Spikette]

Sara, Bree, and Chase were enjoying their lunch break after the student's training. This morning they ran into Douglas as he scanned in all of their bionics into the system so they knew exactly what they were dealing with from each student.

"So you know how you both have commando apps?" Douglas stopped at their table.

"Yeah." Sara put down her drink.

"Someone else has it as well." Douglas smiled.

"Really," Chase stood up. "Who?" He looked around. "Which one of these manly gentleman—."

"Excuse me," Sara looked at him.

"You know I didn't mean it like that," He put his hand on her shoulder. Sara just looked over at Bree.

"Don't look at me." Bree shook her head.

"It's her," Douglas pointed to Kate in the corner as she struggled to open her bottle.

"What? But she's so timid." Sara crossed her arms and glared across the room at the girl.

"That's the point. They give it to people you wouldn't think would have it." Douglas explained.

"I have it." Chase stared at him.

"Babe, just sit down," Sara kicked the leg of the chair pushing it out as Chase sat down defeated.

"Why do I have it then, all-knowing one?" Sara asked as she looked over at Douglas. He cringed.

"You are a special case and your commando app has variations that Chase doesn't have."

"Wait like what?" Chase asked.

"Complusion, also she's more feminine for the seductive approach," Douglas explained. "Anyway until I can remove the app, I need you to watch her and make sure nothing triggers Spikette."

"Real creative," Bree scoffed.


"I like it, I'm keeping it," Douglas pointed a finger in Chase's face as he walked off.

"This is great, I've never seen it in action before. The last time Sara had Striker out was when I was fighting Sebastian. I only got to witness yours for a small amount of time."

"No, Douglas said we should not trigger it, that doesn't mean do," Bree stood up with her plate in her hands. "Follow the rules." Chase sighed and then looked at Sara.

"Don't look at me, you couldn't handle Striker me, even if you tried." Sara waved her hand in the air. Chase scoffed but didn't say anything he just muttered to himself.

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