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Season 3 - Episode 16

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Season 3 - Episode 16

[Alien Gladiators]

"I've been working on something I want to show you," Sara skipped into the room as she stood in front of the others she held a ball in her hand. "Catch!" She threw it at Adam. He went to catch it, but it passed through him and hit the floor.

"Not cool." He frowned.

"You can push it onto objects too?" Bree picked the ball up throwing it back toward her. Sara nodded as she smiled, her eyes wandered to Chase, but he seemed preoccupied with something on the desk as typed something in.

"Guys! Alien Gladiators are coming to Mission Creek!" Leo announced as he walked into the room.

"Who?" Bree and Sara asked as they stood side by side.

"I knew this day would come," Adam backed up slowly. "Luckily I'm prepared for an alien invasion." He put on a tin foil hat. Sara pointed at him.

"Where did he get that from?"

"Chase, you hold them off." Adam pointed at his brother. "While the rest of us deserve to escape." Adam grabbed Bree, he tried to grab Sara, but his hand went through her.

"Why is Chase being sacrificed, he's got the brain?" Sara offered.

"Exactly," Adam hid behind Bree. "The tastier the better."

"That's zombies," Chase pointed out.

"It's not real Aliens', it's my favorite Sci-fi movie franchise, Alien Gladiators," Leo explained. He jumped up and down excitedly. "They're here! They hold annual conventions and this year it's at Mission Creek."

"I love Alien Gladiators!" Chase came over with Leo as they both geeked out and started quoting the catch line.

"Oh, I remember that movie. It was terrible, the whole thing was blurry."

"You didn't wear your 3-D glasses," Bree smirked.

"I didn't wanna look stupid," He adjusted his tinfoil hat making Sara smile.

"I bet the entire cast will be there," Chase moved around Leo to stand next to Sara. "I have everyone's autograph except Prince Landor, the new guy played by Andre Either."

"That's familiar." Sara furrowed her eyebrows as she thought.

"Andre Either as in baseball Andre Either?" Bree asked as she gripped Sara's arm excitedly.

"You don't know anything about baseball," Chase crossed his arms.

"Of course I do, I love baseball. You know," Bree tried to get help from Sara, but she shook her head. "The bases and the ball." She grimaced. "He's hot and if he's there I'm there."

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