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Season 4 - Episode 20

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Season 4 - Episode 20

[On The Edge Pt. 2]

It had been two weeks with Sara trying to recooperate. Leo had visited her on the second day for a little while. She hadn't remembered anything bout him either, but he told her she could come visit him any time. Her mother and Striker were taken into containment by the government. The President was also told about the unique situation, but Sara remembered everything about him so there wasn't a lot he had to worry about.

"Alright, so at 9:00 am tomorrow, we'll take the Hydra loop to the mainland and we'll travel to the President's award ceremony in my self-driving limo," Davenport smirked at them.

"I call shotgun!" Adam yelled as he raised his hand. Sara crossed her arms.

"It's a limo, everyone rides in the back," Chase pointed out.

"You sit where you want," Adam smirked. "I'll still be holding the shotgun."

"Are we sure he didn't get his brain wiped too?" Sara asked as she looked at Chase. He smiled at her.

"Once the President is dazzled with the limo, I will be given a contract and piles of big fat cash, which I just might be sharing with you three."

"Really?" Bree and Sara asked.

"No." He laughed.

"Wait, wait, wait, even though it's our award ceremony, it's become all about you?" Chase asked.

"You know for the smarties man in the world, it took you a really long time to figure that out," Davenport cringed and walked away from him.

"Taylor," Sara moved over hugging her.

"Hey, Sara, how are you doing?" Taylor asked.

"I think I should be the one asking you that," Sara smirked. "I'm good, though, yourself?" Bree and Chase gave her hugs as well.

"Hey, good to see you around!" Adam yelled at her. Sara slapped his shoulder. "Good to see you up and around. Just so you know this is Adam."

"I lost my vision, not my hearing," Taylor pointed out.

"She obviously didn't lose that nasty attitude either." Sara smacked the back of his head. "Ow."

"How are the glasses working for you?" Sara asked.

"They're great," Taylor stepped forward. "They vibrate to let me know there is an obstacle in my path." She explained as she moved around it.

"That's so cool, I want to try," Logan tried reaching for the glasses, but Taylor turned his arm behind his back. "Oh so sorry, sorry. Please don't hurt me."

"I'm proud of you, you've made a lot of progress in these few weeks," Bree added.

"I know thanks, have any of you spoken to Leo?" Taylor asked. Sara turned to look at the others. "I was hoping someone would convince him to come back to the academy by now."

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