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Season 1 - Episode 4

[The Superhero code]

The team was sitting in the main area while Oliver made sandwiches for everyone. Skylar, Bree, and Sara were on YouTube looking at cute cat videos and how to cut your own hair videos. Sara wanted to cut her hair shorter. She liked it now, but she wanted a change. It wasn't going to be too short, she still needed to put it up for certain circumstances, but she really wanted to try it a little shorter than it was now. She was thinking just below her collarbone since it was mid back now. She didn't know if she wanted Bree or Skylar to cut it, that's why she was making them both watch the video.

"Alright sandwiches are done," Oliver smiled. Chase stood up to grab the plates, but Oliver blocked his path.

"Oh come on, Oliver," Sara leaned back in the chair sighing.

"Your tomato slices are very thin," Oliver snapped.

"Did you put tomato on mine too?" Sara asked. Oliver nodded.

"A thin one too."

"Wow, you really got them," Bree snapped her fingers. Chase grabbed two sandwiches and took the tomato off one of them putting it on his.

"Look a whole tomato slice," He smirked at Oliver.

"Hey, you can't—"

"I don't like tomatoes," Sara accepted the sandwich that Chase gave her. "Thank you."

"I will get plates!" Bree announced as she moved around the table. She bent down and a loud crash happened. Sara moved around the table and stared at the broken plates. She found one and grabbed it putting her sandwich on it as she handed it to Chase. He just smirked as he set his sandwich atop hers.

"Why are they all broken? What happened?" Bree asked. She bent down to pick them up, but Sara smacked her hand.

"Well I was doing the dishes and I accidentally broke them with my super strength," Oliver explained. Sara glared at him.

"You know, I really miss Adam."

"That doesn't answer why you put them back in the cabinet?" Skylar asked Oliver. He scratched the back of his neck. He grabbed one of the shards.

"Now we have service for 36 tiny people," He gave a cute smile. Sara rolled her eyes.

"Hey guys," Kaz waved.

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