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Season 4 - Episode 6

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Season 4 - Episode 6

[Mission Mania]

They had a mission report earlier about a wildfire that had taken over a forest where there were known campers. Four different families. It wasn't that far when they got to the mainland, so it wasn't long until they'd gotten everyone clear from the flames. Most of the work was done by Bree since she could run the fastest, but there was assisted help from the others. They were waiting for Bree to come back with the last camper as the cameras stayed on the five of them.

"Alright," Bree let go of the person's arm. "That's the last one." There was a grizzly bear growl in the distance. "And a very unhappy grizzly. You're welcome!" The people started chanting around them.

"Adam, Bree, Chase, and Sara." She signed a few of the people's phones.

"I've been going on missions too," Leo shook his head. "Why don't they know my name."

"Maybe you just need a better anime," Adam shrugged. Leo stepped forward putting his hands out.

"Can I have everyone's attention—."

"This will be interesting," Bree whispered to Sara.

"I would like to point out that Adam, Bree, Chase, and Sara weren't the only heroes. I personally saved six people." Leo nodded and crossed his arms as he smiled at the camera.

"Adam, Bree, Chase, Sara, and that guy!" The crowd started to chant once more. "Adam, Bree, Chase, Sara, and that Guy!"

"Let's get back," Chase gave a wave to the camera as he put his hand on Sara's back.

The group left the sight and returned to the island. Sara slung her bag on the floor as she stepped into her capsule to change out of her gear.

"I'm ready for a nap." She sat down on the couch closing her eyes. Chase changed out of his gear as well and jumped over the back of the couch. Sara smirked and cuddled next to him as they both closed their eyes.

"Do you have to do that down here?" Adam asked as she stood next to them.

"Yeah, this is our space too," Bree stood in front of the two of them with her hands on her hips. The alerts sounded once more. "We call dips!" Bree held up her hand and grabbed Sara from the couch pulling her away from Chase.

"We've got one too," Chase added.

"Wow, alright," Sara hopped into her capsule changing back into her gear as she grabbed her bag. "Alright, girls trip." Bree hooked arms with her as she ran them to the mission sight. They walked inside the house seeing people everywhere.

"Hey!" The people yelled. They had drinks in their hands and there was loud music playing.

"What is happening?" Sara asked Bree as they looked around for any issues. No one seemed panicked or in danger. They just started dancing around the both of them.

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