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Season 4 - Episode 12

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Season 4 - Episode 12

[Space Elevator]

Mr. Davenport was having his Genuis employee of the month come and talk about a project he just finished working on. Sara wasn't at all interested she had weird dreams last night about her mother, so she's been kind of out of it this morning. She felt her skin itching for her to leave the island and go looking for her. She couldn't tell if it was to put her in jail, bury her in rubble, or to get a clear explanation from her without something blowing up.

"Hey, can I—"

"Can you believe him," Chase mimicked the genius. "Doctor Ryan, he's using my research for the project. Mine! I'm the genius!"

"You are," Sara nodded.

"Thank you," Chase threw his hands in the air. "I mean you're a genius too, but I'm just the smarter genius." He smirked at her. She nodded and kissed his cheek. "Oh did you need anything?"

"No, just try to relax today, maybe take some calming breaths." She moved her hands up and down as she inhaled and exhaled. Chase did as she did and turned back to his computers. She went to look for Bree and Adam, but they weren't around.

"Hey Leo," She grabbed his arm.

"Make this quick, I'm going to be late to the color ceremony," Leo reasoned. "Wait, aren't you supposed to be there?"

"Uh," She hesitated.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing, I just need you to cover for me today. I doubt anyone will notice, but I'm not feeling great." Sara lied as she faked a cough. Leo narrowed his eyes at her.

"Why do I have to tell them?"

"Cause you love me, you're the best, thank you, and congrats on your color change." She patted his arm. He grabbed her hand smiling.

"I changed colors? How many just one?" She took his hand from hers.

"You'll be late." She told him as he ran off cackling to himself. Sara went down to the capsule room to change into her mission suit and grabbed her bag before she left for the mainland. She didn't know where she was going to start, but she had a gut feeling something was supposed to happen today. She didn't think those dreams were just a coincidence.

Sara was hungry so she decided to stop by one of Davenport's old coffee shops to grab something. She was still in her mission suit so she knew it would look weird, but she was hungry. She didn't expect to see her mother sitting in the corner, but the minute her mother spotted her she came up.

"I knew you didn't die." She took a piece of Sara's hair and rubbed it between her fingers.

"I'm just too good."

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