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Season 4 - Episode 5

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Season 4 - Episode 5

[Bionic Dog]

Sara was in the main room talking with a couple of her students about their color changes, but she saw Adam hop off the hydro loop with a dog. She excused herself and walked over to them. The dog went up to like her, but she grimaced and backed away.

"Why is there a dog here?" She asked.

"Cause he followed me," Adam smirked.

"He had met on him," Bree shook her head. "Do you not like dogs?" She laughed as Sara pulled her hands to her chest keeping them out of the dog's reach.

"Adam, he can't stay here." When Chase said stay the dog faced him and sat down.

"Did you see that, he stayed." Adam knelt down next to the dog and started scratching at his ears. "Aw, who's a good boy."

"Otis?" Douglas smirked. "Otis!" He whistled and the dog went toward him. "Hey, boy. Awww."

"You have a dog?" Sara stared at him.

"Yeah, he got me through some tough times. I got him when Krane and I got our first lair together. Oh," He scratched the dog's fur. "He must have been looking for me ever since we separated."

"It's a dog."

"No Sara, he's a bionic dog," Douglas smirked.

"You wasted Bionics on a dog." Chase crossed his arms as he stared down at the dog as he did a few tricks making Adam love him even more.

"I didn't waste them," Douglas scoffed. "Otis. Do your thing." Otis jumped forward throwing Chase into the other room. "He's got super strength."

"Why?" Sara shook her head.

"He was dying and I did it to save him." Douglas reasoned. "Similar to what I did to Leo. It saved his life."

"He's incredible," Adam hugged the dog.

"Alright, well I'll leave you to this," Sara looked at Bree. "I need to borrow you for a little while." Bree smiled and hooked his arms with her.

"Ooo, why?"

"Well I've been thinking for a while and I need someone else to have my classified information in case anything happens to me," Sara explained.

"Oh my god," Bree grabbed her hands. "And you're not telling Chase first?" Sara laughed a little bit as she shoved Bree.

"First of all, my mother gave specific instructions not to give the code to a man, also we know that Chase is kind of loose-lipped sometimes, and I don't need Spike to know my own coding, but yes I trust your brother with everything else."

"With your life?" Bree asked.

"Of course, I would trust him with my life." Sara grabbed her hand dragging her into the lab.

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