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Season 1 - Episode 5

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Season 1 - Episode 5

[Need For Speed]

Douglas had come to the tower to stay with the Elite Force while Davenport went home to be with Tasha when the baby arrived. The others were introduced to Douglas by the nicknames that Chase had given them. Douglas looked around.

"Where is she?" He asked.

"Who?" Oliver asked.

"She's sleeping upstairs," Bree flopped down on the couch.

"Have you both broken her already?" Douglas sat down on the couch as well.

"No, she was up late last night searching for her mother," Chase crossed his arms. Douglas sat up.

"Her mom is free? Sara's free?"

"Sara, her mother's name is Sara too," Oliver asked.

"It's a complicated past," Douglas waved his hand through the air. "Well, I guess I should tell you that I'm also here to help make your new suits."

"What, no!" Chase shook his head. They watched Sara fall through the floor.

"Was that?" Douglas stood up and suddenly Sara phased through the floor again. She raised her arms.

"Douglas!" She yelled as she hugged him.

"What is she also a kid?" Skylar asked. Douglas leaned back and stared at Skylar and then Sara.

"We don't even have the same hair, but I was colleagues with her mother once upon a time."

"What's the occasion?" Sara asked as she crossed her arms. She stepped back to Chase's side as they looked at one another.

"We are designing suits," Douglas smiled, but Chase shook his head.

"Chase has been working on designs for two weeks," Sara pointed out.

"Fine, fine, I'll make my suit with Oliver and Sara, while Chase makes his own." Douglas put his arm around Sara's shoulders.

"No, she's mine." Chase put his arm around her shoulder.

"How about," Skylar reached forward taking Sara's hand and pulling her forward until she was sitting next to her. "You both have your little competition and leave Sara out."

"I'll be a floater if I want to critique your work," Sara crossed her legs. "Douglas I might have a lot to say about yours."

"Why mine?" Douglas put his hands on his hips.

"Because I helped draw out Chase's designs and if I don't think it will look flattering on me, I'm gonna tell you." Sara smiled as she high-fived Bree.

"Well sorry to burst your little bubble, but the world doesn't revolve around you," Douglas waved his hand in the air as he turned back to Oliver the two of them discussing things. She stood up and tried to walk past them. "Where are you going?"

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