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Season 4 - Episode 24

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Season 4 - Episode 24

[Space Colony Pt. 2]

"I knew you'd show up sooner or later." Krane moved forward slowly. Chase and the others gently guided Sara behind each of them. She could fight for herself and they knew that, but that was still their first instinct. She'd already lost so much to her past.

"Where is my wife?" Davenport moved toward him as well. "What have you done with the colonists?"

"In due time," Krane's attention moved to the others. "But for now, what do you say we focus on our little reunion." His eyes moved to Adam, Bree, and Chase as well. He raised his hand and the others got ready to fight.

"Just for the sake of asking," Perry stepped forward. "If we were to sacrifice Tasha-" Leo grabbed Perry's arm shoving her behind the others.

"We blasted you miles into the sky. How are you even alive?" Bree asked. Sara gripped Chase's arm. She remembered them telling her about that fight. Krane was the reason she had the electrical burns on her arms.

"What are the odds he'd land here?" Everyone turned to Adam. Krane started speaking into his mask. He was speaking English, but it messed up the sound of it through his mask.


"I said..."

"Still not getting it. Sounds like something is jammed in your air duct," Adam explained as he moved closer. Krane smacked it.


"Oh yeah," The group nodded. He raised his hand again and everyone went back into their positions.

"When I fell back to earth, I sustained severe injuries. This face plate helps me breathe."

"Well, I think I can speak for all of us when I say this is an upgrade because that chain of paperclips you had hanging off your face, wasn't it." Davenport chuckled as he ran his hand over his jaw. Krane raised his hand choking Davenport and then throwing him to the side. Bree helped him back up. "Okya still got that old trick."

"And a few new ones too."

"How did you get up here?" Leo asked.

"I used a cyber cloak, and pretended I was a colonist." Krane looked at Davenport. "Remember Roberta from Kentucky?"

"It all makes sense now. The satellite, the whole in the dome. It was you."

"When I heard you were creaking a space colony in another galaxy. I realized this was my perfect opportunity."

"To become a middle-aged southern woman?" Adam asked. Sara covered her mouth as she tried not to laugh at him.

"To create a new base camp for my bionic army, far away from any meddling humans," Krane glared at Davenport once more.

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