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Season 4 - Episode 3

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Season 4 - Episode 3

[Left Behind]

Sara had her headphones on once more while she danced around the cafeteria. Davenport and Chase had helped stop her memory loss once they shocked her repeatedly. Chase was very surprised Sara still had a functioning brain with all the electricity that had been forced through her body, but she wasn't.

"Sara's gorgeous," Chase muttered as he handed out the protein bars.

"Who?" Spin asked.

"Sara." Chase sighed. He was staring off at her as she danced around a few students.

"Oh Sara," Bob tried to wave, but Chase shoved his hand down. He still wasn't looking at anyone other than her.

"I'm not eating these," Spin put the protein bar back in the bin. "I'll wait for the three o'clock peanuts." Leo came in and sat down with a box in front of him. "What's that?"

"Food my mom sent here for us, oh," He turned the box exposing his name. "For me." Sara came over taking off one of her headphones.

"Hey guys," She watched Adam try to shove two protein bars in his mouth. "You know-." He gagged and then spit them out on the floor. "Okay." She turned to look at Bree and Chase.

"Hi," Chase came forward and kissed her cheek.


"Ew, get over that," Bree shook her head. They all paused when they heard the ketchup bottle.

"What?" Bob questioned. "It's easier when I pretend it's a hamburger. Which is funny since I've never had one."

"You've never had a hamburger?" Bree asked. "That's so sad."

"I'll feel better if you give me a hug."

"That's so sad." She repeated. She turned around and huddled up with the other three. "Guys these kids have no social skills because they've been kept in a lab all their lives. They have no idea what it's like to be normal."

"Ah yes, I remember your first days out of the lab." Leo stood up and came over to their small table. "So young, so naive. You needed a strong hand to guide you."

"Yeah, but what we got was you," Bree smirked.

"Oh I so wish I would have been there," Sara laughed.

"These kids deserve a taste of the real world."

"Well I just got some food from the real world," Leo petted the jar of peanut butter in his hands. "If anyone wants, oh no just for me-" Spin came around using his ability to wipe a tornado past them as he held the jar of peanut butter a little bit on his face. "Who did that?" Leo turned seeing him.

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