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Season 1 - Episode 11

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Season 1 - Episode 11

[Home Sweet Home Pt. 1]

Sara was sleeping in a heap on the chair curled up next to Chase. He had covered her with a blanket to make her more comfortable. Kaz and Bree were talking with him quietly while Sara snored lightly.

"Guys I just got the best email!" Skylar smiled.

"Yes! I knew you'd like it," Oliver smirked at her. "Took me two weeks to write that song."

"I didn't get an email from you?" Skylar shook her head.

"That's cause he accidentally sent it to me," Bree laughed as she leaned forward clicking something on her phone. Oliver's voice flooded the speakers. Chase tried his best to cover Sara's ears, but her eyes opened the moment she heard the lyrics.

"Kill it, kill it right now," She sat up throwing the blanket over Chase as he sat there. Oliver tapped the screen stopping it.

"Can you forward that to me?" Kaz asked. Bree laughed and nodded as she leaned back onto the couch. Chase uncovered himself.

"Anyway, my best friend Scarlett, from my home planet Caldera just emailed me," Skylar continued. "She's coming to visit."

"That's awesome," Sara muttered as she threw her legs across Chase's lap.

"Wait," Chase raised his hand. "Aliens have email."

"Of course, I get so much spam from there," Skylar groaned. "I mean who really thinks that a Calderan prince is just handing out millions of dollars."

"Can you forward that to me," Kaz asked as he narrowed his eyes at her.

"I'm so excited to see Scarlet, it will be great not being the only Alien around here." Skylar crossed her arms.

"You know we've been living together so long, I don't even think of you as an Alien anymore," Bree pointed out. "Other than the spitting acid and superhuman snoring. I'm past it."

"Really?" Skylar smirked,

"Yeah, you're a totally normal girl, who does really weird things." Sara sat up.

"So when does Scarlet get here?" Chase yelped as another Skylar appeared. Sara patted his chest several times.

"Well at least we don't have to pick her up from the airport," He shook his head.


"Skylar!" The two of them hugged.

"Is this your twin?" Sara asked as she stared at the two of them.

"All females on Caldera look exactly alive," Kaz explained.

"And it's glorious," Oliver smiled at both of them. Sara felt a hollow feeling appear in her chest as she saw the two speak with one another. "Hi, I'm Oliver, I'm sure Skylar's told me all about you." He shook Scarlett's hand.

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