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Season 4 - Episode 15

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Season 4 - Episode 15

[One of Us]

The four were looking for Leo he was late for their morning training. Well, he was late, but he missed it since they had to continue teaching their classes until the break. They decided to just ask Douglas cause he seemed to be with Leo when he was doing something he wasn't supposed to.

"Douglas, have you seen Leo? He was late for training."

"Why don't you just call him?" Douglas stared at the four of them.

"Yeah, but that's too much work, let's just kick him out of the academy," Adam smirked as he put his arm around Sara's shoulders. Chase moved toward the table calling Leo.

"Hello, beautiful people," He smiled. They could see Davenport's mansion in the background.

'Why are you back at Mission Creek, when you are supposed to be training?" Chase asked.

"Janelle missed me, you know how you ladies are, always needy," Leo laughed a little.

"She threatened to break up with you didn't she?" Bree crossed her arms. Leo sighed. The doorbell rang behind him.

"Ah! She's here, I gotta go." The call ended.

"I can't believe him," Chase shook his head. Sara smirked and turned to him.

"Why do you think you get to say anything?" Bree stared at the two of them. "Didn't you skip training the other day to go to the mainland to get Sara her favorite foods for your date night?" Sara hugged Chase's side.

"Yes, but I came back," Chase reasoned.

"Yeah, but you didn't do training. I had to take on your brainiacs and we didn't get along well," Adam huffed as he crossed his arms. "They didn't even laugh at my jokes."

"It's okay Adam, I don't even understand your jokes," Sara patted his head. The hydra loop lit up as the doors opened and S-1 stepped out.

"Nop!" Douglas knelt down. "She's here to kill us all." Sara stepped forward staring at the girl.

"Look, no!" S-1 put her hands up.

"Don't we know you, you look familiar?" Adam moved closer to her. Sara rolled her eyes and looked back at Bree and Chase as they shrugged.

"S-1," Sara told him. "She gave me these." She pulled up her sleeves exposing her burns.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about." She shook her head. The other students crowded around looking at the mentors for instruction.

"What do you remember?" Sara asked. She held up her hand as the students stood down.

"All I know is that I woke up in a field and I couldn't remember anything. This family found me and took me in, but when they found out I was bionic they kicked me out. I've been hiding ever since, but something is happening to me and I need your help." She looked around the room.

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