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Season 1 - Episode 3

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Season 1 - Episode 3

[Power Play]

Chase and Sara had been working on a polymer all morning. It was a reinforced polymer that they could add to the windows that would protect it from anything. They walked back into the kitchen smelling the grilled cheese.

"Ooo," Sara smiled as she took off her gloves.

"What have you two been up to?" Oliver asked.

"We just reinforced all the windows with an impenetrable polymer that will protect them from anything," Chase grinned happily. Oliver held up his pan.

"Well I made myself a grilled cheese," He put it on a plate. Sara smirked and set her gloves down by Chase's bucket.

"Something smells good," Skylar walked in.

"My grilled cheese," Oliver held it up with a smile.

"Nope, I was thinking more like a reinforced polymer." She sniffed the air again.

"Oh you," Oliver pointed his finger at her and water sprayed out of it hitting her in the chest.


"I'm sorry, I'm still trying to get used to these new powers," He frowned.

"Yeah, great, just keep reminding me that you have powers and I don't," She grabbed the grilled cheese from his hands and stormed out of the room.

"Alien chicks am I right?" He chuckled.

"Don't look over here, he doesn't have girl problems," Sara shook her head. Chase smirked behind his papers.

"You know I still don't get it," He set them down. "If Skylar was born with powers then why doesn't she have them."

"She used to but a human-turned-mutant named the Annilihator drained them from her," Chase and Sara stared at one another for a moment. "Put them on a shelf as a trophy."

"I'm sorry, but you have to agree that just sounds ridiculous," Chase shook his head. He handed Sara a few of the papers on his desk as she looked over them. "Look if Skylar is going to be a part of this team, then I have got to figure out a way to get her powers back." Chase walked past Sara as she wrote a few changes onto his paper. "I'll need a little help from—"

"I'll always help you," Sara turned around winking at him. Chase smiled at her as he turned back to Oliver clearing his throat.

"I have to be the one to get her powers back," Oliver blurted quickly.

"Why you?" Sara moved around the counter and leaned close to Chase.

"Because then she'll fall madly in love with me and we'll get married, then we live our happy little superhero lives together in a space castle. It will be better than ever you both" Oliver reasoned. He took in a long breath. Sara tried not to laugh as she looked at Chase.

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