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Season 4 - Episode 22

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Season 4 - Episode 22

[And Then There Were Four]

The five had just finished teaching their classes. Adam and Leo were near the foosball table playing together while Bree and Sara were looking at videos on the internet of little animals. Chase was on his tablet, but it was a blank screen. He was too busy staring at Sara, they used to watch those videos together.

"Guys, great news, I'm totally free this weekend. No meetings, no conferences," Davenport smiled as he rested his hands on his hips. Bree and Sara exchanged a look.

"Are you sure? I mean I bet if we looked, we could definitely find you one," Bree joked.

"Are you saying you don't want to hang out with me?"

"Well if she's not I am," Adam pointed out as he paused his foosball playing.

"Well, what about you Leo?"

"Uh Big D, I'd love to, but I just really don't want to," Leo shook his head as he went back to playing foosball with Adam.

"Don't worry Mr Davenport I'll hang out with you," Chase stood up and smiled at him.

"You know what, I've got a lot of work," Davenport lied as he walked past him.

"No wonder no one wants to hang out with you," Sara shot back as she crossed her arms and stood up. "Chase, I would love to hang out with you."

"Really?" Chase smiled as she nodded. The doors opened and Douglas walked in. He was focused on the floor as he clutched his phone.

"Hey, Douglas, What's wrong with you?" Davenport asked.

"I just got a phone call from Daniel." they all looked at each other.

"Who's Daniel?" Bree asked.

"Your brother."

"They have another sibling?" Sara crossed her arms glaring at Chase.

"I didn't make us," Chase reasoned.

"You sit," Sara stepped back so Douglas could sit on the couch. "You've got explaining to do." He sat down and sighed.

"We have another brother?"

"I never told anyone but I actually created four bionic superheroes. Adam, Bree, Chase, and Daniel." He pointed at each of them.

"What is with you naming your kids in Alphabetical order?!" Leo shook his head.

"It's better than their original names Big Boy, Little Boy, and Not a Boy." He pointed from Adam to Chase, then Bree.

"Another Brother," Bree shook her head. "It wouldn't have killed you to throw some lipgloss and long hair into one of your test tubes." She shook her head.

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