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Season 4 - Episode 18

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Season 4 - Episode 18

[The Curse of the Screaming Skull]

It was coming around Halloween time. There were already marathons on the TV and people promoting stupid costumes. Sara hadn't really experienced a real Halloween. Most of her firsts were with the Davenports and she couldn't complain. They were always memorable. They had a box of Halloween decorations out from one of the storage closets but it wasn't promising. There was apparently a bowl of last year's pumpkin still in there, which made everyone gag. Things were looking up though when they were told not to go onto the other island close by. Douglas said it was dangerous and scary, so of course all of them did exactly what he didn't want. Leo, Bree, Chase, Sara, and Perry all went over to the island.

"I would like to point out how many webs there are," Sara phased through them as Leo ran right into them.

"Ah!" He wiped them off himself and glared at her. "Are you kidding me?!"

"Don't walk behind me then," Sara smirked. They came to an opening.

"Douglas was right, this place is creepy." Leo jerked when a bird started squawking in the distance. "See it, saw it, done! Dooley out." He started walking back toward the trail.

"Leo, I can't believe you." Bree laughed. "You just watched a horror movie marathon and now you're scared." She put her hands on her hips.

"He probably fell asleep," Sara muttered as she looked around.

"I'm not sacred. I want to leave for a very manly reason," He gestured to his foot. "I have a blister on my pinky toe."

"This island is full of animals I've never seen before. Some of them aren't even in my database," Chase smirked as he looked around. The bushes next to them started shaking. "Woah, here comes one crashing through the brush." He moved closer to it. "I bet it's an exotic wild boar." Perry stumbled out with her metal detector.

"You were right." Bree sighed. Sara nodded and looked around again for any other kind of exotic animal.

"Why are you wearing gloves?" Leo asked her.

"I don't want to devalue any rare finds with my oily fingers," She wiggled her fingers. "Also I'm on an island, with three and a half people I despise. Mom always said never leave fingerprints." Sara counted each of them.

'There are four people here," She reasoned. Perry smirked.

"No, Striker and I are pals, but you, eh," She shook her head and put the metal detector toward the sand as it scanned.

"Have you ever found anything valuable with that thing?" Chase asked.

"For your information, I found my grandmother's lost wedding ring. It had been in my family for generations."

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